United States Patents Related to Insulators Listed by Number and Date
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Patent Number |
Date | Inventor(s) | Title |
5,889 | 1848, Oct. 31 | Livingston, L. R. (Livingston, L.R., J.J. Roggen, & Calvin Adams) | Improvement in Insulating-Supports for Telegraph-Wires |
5,889 | 1848, Oct. 31 | Roggen, J. J. (Livingston, L.R., J.J. Roggen, & Calvin Adams) | Improvement in Insulating-Supports for Telegraph-Wires |
5,889 | 1848, Oct. 31 | Adams, Calvin (Livingston, L.R., J.J. Roggen, & Calvin Adams) | Improvement in Insulating-Supports for Telegraph-Wires |
6,779 | 1849, Oct. 9 | Livingston, L. R. (Livingston, L.R., J.J. Roggen, Calvin Adams, Amos Kendall, & Alfred Vail) | Improvement in Insulating-Supports for Telegraph-Wires |
6,779 | 1849, Oct. 9 | Roggen, J. J. (Livingston, L.R., J.J. Roggen, Calvin Adams, Amos Kendall, & Alfred Vail) | Improvement in Insulating-Supports for Telegraph-Wires |
6,779 | 1849, Oct. 9 | Adams, Calvin (Livingston, L.R., J.J. Roggen, Calvin Adams, Amos Kendall, & Alfred Vail) | Improvement in Insulating-Supports for Telegraph-Wires |
6,779 | 1849, Oct. 9 | Kendall, Amos (Livingston, L.R., J.J. Roggen, Calvin Adams, Amos Kendall, & Alfred Vail) | Improvement in Insulating-Supports for Telegraph-Wires |
6,779 | 1849, Oct. 9 | Vail, Alfred (Livingston, L.R., J.J. Roggen, Calvin Adams, Amos Kendall, & Alfred Vail) | Improvement in Insulating-Supports for Telegraph-Wires |
7,076 | 1850, Feb. 5 | Spratt, James | Improvement in Attachments for Lightning-Conductors |
8,075 | 1851, May 6 | Goodyear, Nelson | Improvement in the Manufacture of India-Rubber |
8,316 | 1851, Aug. 26 | Otis, George W. | Improvement in Insulators for Lightning-Rods |
8,418 | 1851, Oct. 14 | Batchelder, John M. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
8,419 | 1851, Oct. 14 | Robbins, Zenas C. | Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
8,438 | 1851, Oct. 14 | Yandell, John | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphs |
11,539 | 1854, Aug. 15 | Webb, Timothy, U. | Insulator for lightning-Rods |
13,162 | 1855, July 3 | Dwyer, Robert D. | Improvement in Attachments for Lightning-Rods |
13,402 | 1855, Aug. 7 | Stone, Amasa | Forming Screw Threads, &c., in the Necks of Glass Bottles and Similar Articles |
20,916 | 1858, July 13 | Schrage, Victor | Improved Device for Securing Lightning-Rods |
24,110 | 1859, May 24 | Enggren, John A. | Improved Device for Securing Lightning-Rods |
21,492 | 1858, Sept. 14 | Farmer, Moses G. (Farmer, Moses G., & John M. Batchelder) | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
21,492 | 1858, Sept. 14 | Batchelder, John M. (Farmer, Moses G., & John M. Batchelder) | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
22,188 | 1858, Nov. 30 | McLeod, N. N. | Improved Supporting-Insulator for Lightning-Rods |
23,373 | 1859, March 29 | Hickok, Russel | Improved Insulators for Lightning-Rods |
27,977 | 1860, April 24 | Fox, Myron | Improved Method of Insulating and Supporting Lightning-Rods |
28,263 | 1860, May 15 | Engler, Louis | Improved Insulator for Electrodes |
39,613 | 1863, Aug. 18 | Eagles, Edwin | Improvement in Insulators for Lightning-Conductors |
41,157 | 1864, Jan 5 | Holland, James | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
45,221 | 1864, Nov. 29 | Brooks, David | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
47,141 | 1865, April 4 | Van Choate, S. F. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphs |
48,906 | 1865, July 25 | Cauvet, Louis A. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
49,482 | 1865, Aug. 15 | Ward, Henry H. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
51,934 | 1866, Jan. 9 | Ely Alfred B. | Telegraph Insulator |
52,761 | 1866, Feb 20 | Smith, W. W. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
53,201 | 1866, March 13 | Waddell, William W. | Telegraph Insulator |
53,246 | 1866, March 13 | Smith, W. W. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
53,426 | 1866, March 27 | Ely Alfred B. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
53,427 | 1866, March 27 | Ely Alfred B. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
56,542 | 1866, July 24 | Ely Alfred B. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
58,594 | 1866, Oct. 9 | Burnap, William H. (Burnap, William H., & John D. Brassington) | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
58,594 | 1866, Oct. 9 | Brassington, John D. (Burnap, William H., & John D. Brassington) | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
63,206 | 1867, March 26 | Brooks, David | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
64,315 | 1867, April 30 | Hendrickson, Stephen C. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
64,654 | 1867, May 14 | Floyd, George | Improvement in Insulators |
65,886 | 1867, June 18 | Day, Alfred B. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
66,054 | 1867, June 25 | Stebbins, Darious | Improvement in Lightning-Rod Insulators |
2,717 Reissue | 1867, Aug. 6 | Brooks, David | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
66,215 | 1867, July 2 | Carlow, Richard | Improvement in Insulator-Holders |
66,453 | 1867, July 9 | Boynton, John F. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphs |
69,622 | 1867, Oct. 8 | Brooks, David | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphs |
70,052 | 1867, Oct. 22 | Waite, John L. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
70,132 | 1867, Oct. 22 | Teller, Daniel W. (Teller, Daniel W. & Savage, William L.) | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
70,132 | 1867, Oct. 22 | Savage, William L. (Teller, Daniel W. & Savage, William L.) | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
70,170 | 1867, Nov. 12 | Lockhart, Thomas J. | Improvement in Insulators for Lightning-Rods |
70,170 | 1867, Nov. 12 | Locke, Josiah | Improvement in Insulators for Lightning-Rods |
71,418 | 1867, Nov. 26 | Simonds, W. Edgar | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
71,564 | 1867, Nov. 26 | Wood, Merritt L. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
75,365 | 1868, March 10 | Castle, Alfred H. | Improvement in Insulators |
75,492 | 1868, March 10 | Varley, Cromwell, F. | Improvement in Telegraph-Poles |
75,815 | 1868, March 24 | Varley, Cromwell, F. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphs |
75,889 | 1868, March 24 | Finn, J. L. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
76,358 | 1868, April 7 | Varley, Cromwell, F. | Improvement in Electric Telegrapher |
76,960 | 1868, April 21 | Varley, Cromwell, F. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph |
79,951 | 1868, July 14 | Castle, Alfred H. | Improvement in Insulators |
83,685 | 1868, Nov. 3 | Bicknell, Alfred | Improvements in Sash-Guide Blocks |
87,187 | 1869, Feb. 23 | Merrick Jr., John M. | Improved Composition-Insulator for Telegraph & Other Electric Conductors |
92,111 | 1869, June 29 | Simonds, W. Edgar | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
92,999 | 1869, July 6 | Fry, John W. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
93,410 | 1869, Aug. 10 | Burnham, John | Improvement in Insulators for Lightning-Rods |
94,037 | 1869, Aug. 24 | Scott, Franklin | Improvement in Insulators |
96,198 | 1869, Oct. 26 | Busch, Charles | Improved Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
97,318 | 1869, Nov. 30 | Safford, Alfred G. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
97,392 | 1869, Nov. 30 | Guseman, W. D. (Guseman, W. D. & Bright, E. C.) | Improved Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
97,392 | 1869, Nov. 30 | Bright, E. C. (Guseman, W. D. & Bright, E. C.) | Improved Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
99,145 | 1870, Jan. 25 | Brooke, Homer | Improvement in the Manufacture of Insulators for Telegraph-Poles |
99,873 | 1870, Feb. 15 | Finley, Stephen L. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphs |
3,847 Reissue | 1870, Feb. 22 | Cauvet, Louis A. | Improvement in Insulators |
103,122 | 1870, May 17 | Baker, Robert Breckenridge | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
103,555 | 1870, May 31 | Brookfield, James M. | Improved Mode of Forming Insulators |
105,252 | 1870, July 12 | Robertson, Orris W. | Improvement in Battery-Insulators |
105,625 | 1870, July 26 | Baldwin, William W. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
105,656 | 1870, July 26 | Dechant, William H. | Improvement in Cramp-Hook for Telegraphic-Wire Insulators |
105,834 | 1870, July 26 | Oakman, Samuel | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
107,075 | 1870, Sept. 6 | McKee, Samuel | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
107,303 | 1870, Sept. 13 | Stearns, Joseph B. | Improvement in Attaching Insulators to Telegraph-Poles |
109,461 | 1870, Nov. 22 | Smith, Ashbel Grattan (Smith, Ashbel Grattan & Pettingell, William) | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
109,461 | 1870, Nov. 22 | Pettingell, William (Smith, Ashbel Grattan & Pettingell, William) | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
109,879 | 1870, Dec. 6 | De Montufar, Manuel | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
110,645 | 1871, Jan. 3 | Garity, John | Improvement in Glass Telegraph-Insulators |
112,281 | 1871, Feb. 28 | Robbins, Zenas C. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
113,393 | 1871, April 4 | Brookfield, William | Improvement in the Modes of Making Telegraph-Insulators |
114,924 | 1871, May 16 | Chester, Stephen | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
115,521 | 1871, May 30 | Read, Horatio | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
120,884 | 1871, Nov. 14 | Kidwell, George W. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
121,368 | 1871, Nov. 28 | Holley, Minard Y. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
122,015 | 1871, Dec. 19 | Hemingray, Robert | Improvement in Molding Telegraph-Insulators |
122,961 | 1872, Jan. 23 | Pond, Chester H. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
123,198 | 1872, Jan. 30 | Robertson, John | Improvement in Telegraphic Insulators and Brackets |
123,878 | 1872, Feb. 20 | Emminger, David R. P. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
124,199 | 1872, March 5 | Farmer, Moses G. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
124,200 | 1872, March 5 | Farmer, Moses G. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
124,201 | 1872, March 5 | Farmer, Moses G. | Improvement in Compounds for Insulating Telegraph-Wires, & c. |
126,027 | 1872, April 23 | Conklin Jr., Joseph I. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
129,465 | 1872, July 16 | Davis, Augustus G. | Improvement in Battery-Insulators |
129,724 | 1872, July 23 | Farmer, Moses G. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphic Uses |
131,153 | 1872, Sep. 10 | Deemer, Henry C. (Deemer, Henry C. & Eufinger, Joseph W.) | Improvement in Press for Making Glass-Insulators |
131,153 | 1872, Sep. 10 | Eufinger, Joseph W. (Deemer, Henry C. & Eufinger, Joseph W.) | Improvement in Press for Making Glass-Insulators |
132,214 | 1872, Oct. 15 | Oakman, Samuel | Improvement in Formers for Segmentally Screw-Threaded Insulators |
132,215 | 1872, Oct. 15 | Oakman, Samuel | Improvement in Formers for Segmentally Screw-Threaded Insulators |
133,595 | 1872, Dec. 3 | Rogers, Henry J. | Improvement in Insulation of Telegraph-Lines |
135,334 | 1873, Jan. 28 | Hendricks, Nathan | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
136,191 | 1873, Feb. 25 | Thomas, James H. | Improvement in Insulators for Battery-Cups |
138,489 | 1873, May 6 | Eby, Peter (Eby, Peter & Fenninger, Michael B.) | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Lines |
138,489 | 1873, May 6 | Fenninger, Michael B. (Eby, Peter & Fenninger, Michael B.) | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Lines |
138,512 | 1873, May 6 | Merrell, Edward A. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Lines |
139,436 | 1873, May 27 | Tatom, Isaac I. | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Lines |
145,997 | 1873, Dec. 30 | Fox, Christian (Fox, Christian & Heston, Elisha G.) | Improvement in Telegraph Insulators |
145,997 | 1873, Dec. 30 | Heston, Elisha G. (Fox, Christian & Heston, Elisha G.) | Improvement in Telegraph Insulators |
146,996 | 1874, Feb. 3 | Eby, Peter | Improvement in Telegraph Insulators |
149,762 | 1874, April 14 | Le Baron, Charles L. | Improvement in Telegraph Insulators |
149,763 | 1874, April 14 | Le Baron, Charles L. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
154,253 | 1874, Aug. 18 | Le Baron, Charles L. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
154,451 | 1874, Aug. 25 | Brooke, Homer | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
158,868 | 1875, Jan 19 | Smith, Isaac | Improvement in Insulating Compounds |
161,058 | 1875, March 23 | Pidgeon, George S. | Improvement in Insulating-Blocks for Telegraph-Lines |
183,865 | 1876, Oct. 31 | Reynolds, David M. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
184,509 | 1876, Nov. 21 | Cunningham, Robert A. (Cunningham, Robert A. & Crowell, David F.) | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
184,509 | 1876, Nov. 21 | Crowell, David F. (Cunningham, Robert A. & Crowell, David F.) | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
187,183 | 1877, Feb. 6 | Seiler, Paul | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
194,220 | 1877, Aug. 14 | Chambers, Josephus C. | Improvement in Lightning-Rods and Insulators |
200,124 | 1878, Feb. 12 | Brooks, David | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
201,544 | 1878, March 19 | Matthewman, Joseph | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
201,615 | 1878, March 26 | Johnson, Walter C. (Johnson, Walter C. & Phillips, Samuel E.) | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
201,615 | 1878, March 26 | Phillips, Samuel E. (Johnson, Walter C. & Phillips, Samuel E.) | Improvement in Insulators for Telegraph-Wires |
216,138 | 1879, June 3 | Bloomfield, John H. | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
217,427 | 1879, July 8 | Taylor, Burnley | Improvement in Telegraph-Insulators |
224,504 | 1880, Feb. 10 | Chambers, Josephus C. | Insulated Cresting |
228,077 | 1880, May 25 | Jobbins, William F. | Telegraphic and Telephonic Insulator |
230,290 | 1880, July 20 | Lilly, Charles II | Lightning-Rod Insulator |
9,392 Reissu | 1880, Sept. 28 | Brookfield, James M. | Mode of Forming Insulators |
234,523 | 1880, Nov. 16 | Bigeon, Charles | Telegraph Insulator |
242,825 | 1881, June 14 | Hemingray, Robert | Glass-Press for the Manufacture of Insulators |
243,782 | 1881, July 5 | Mayall, Thomas J. | Compound Substance for Electric Insulators |
247,100 | 1881, Sept. 13 | Oakman, Samuel | Process of Forming Screws in Articles of Glass |
252,857 | 1882, Jan. 24 | Gore, Charles L. | Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
254,610 | 1882, March 7 | Capewell, William H. | Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
255,800 | 1882, Apr. 4 | Lewis, Albert C. | Insulator for Electrical Conductors |
262,210 | 1882, Aug. 8 | Eckert, William H. (Eckert, William H., Eckert Edward A. & Seely, John A.) | Combined Insulator, Lightning-Arrester, and Conductor |
262,210 | 1882, Aug. 8 | Eckert, Edward A. (Eckert, William H., Eckert, Edward A. & Seely, John A.) | Combined Insulator, Lightning-Arrester, and Conductor |
262,210 | 1882, Aug. 8 | Seely, John A. (Eckert, William H., Eckert, Edward A. & Seely, John A.) | Combined Insulator, Lightning-Arrester, and Conductor |
268,075 | 1882, Nov. 28 | Brown, Gouverneur M. | Noise-Deadening Insulator |
269,933 | 1883, Jan. 2 | Higgs, Paget (Higgs, Paget & Courtenay, William) | Insulator for the Suspension of Electrical Wire Conductors |
269,933 | 1883, Jan. 2 | Courtenay, William (Higgs, Paget & Courtenay, William) | Insulator for the Suspension of Electrical Wire Conductors |
271,825 | 1883, Feb. 6 | Fiske, Henry G. | Fastening for Electric-Circuit Wires |
272,069 | 1883, Feb 13 | Mace, Theodore | Insulator for Electric Conductors |
274,821 | 1883, March 27 | Reiff, William H. | Electric-Wire Insulator |
276,839 | 1883, May 1 | Lewis, Joseph S. | Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
280,324 | 1883, June 26 | Nople, John E. | Combined Insulator and Lightning Arrester |
280,947 | 1883, July 10 | Ohl, Percy C. | Insulator for Electrical Conductors |
286,681 | 1883, Oct. 16 | Bowen, William J. | Acoustic and Electric Insulator |
286,801 | 1883, Oct. 16 | Fiske, Bradley A. (Fiske, Bradley A. & Mott, Samuel D.) | Insulator |
286,801 | 1883, Oct. 16 | Mott, Samuel D. (Fiske, Bradley A. & Mott, Samuel D.) | Insulator |
287,830 | 1883, Nov. 6 | Hinsdale, Charles C. | Telegraph Insulator |
288,360 | 1883, Nov. 13 | Oakman, Samuel | Telegraph-Insulator |
289,449 | 1883, Dec. 4 | Rousseau, Necter | Insulator |
289,890 | 1883, Dec. 11 | Chambers, Josephus C. | Telegraph and Telephone Conductor |
289,891 | 1883, Dec. 11 | Chambers, Josephus C. | Telegraph and Telephone Cable |
290,922 | 1883, Dec. 25 | Pope, Frank L. | Insulator for Electrical Conductors |
291,072 | 1884, Jan 1. | Murphy, Edward J. | Press for Molding Glass Insulators |
293,242 | 1884, Feb. 12 | Hale, Albert W. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
293,901 | 1884, Feb. 19 | McGrory, Thomas | Lock Wire Insulator |
294,384 | 1884, March 4 | Hale, Albert W. | Insulator for Electric Conductors |
294,563 | 1884, March 4 | Beach, William W. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
296,330 | 1884, April 8 | Gilliland, James F. | Insulator for Line-Wires of Mechanical Telephones |
296,688 | 1884, April 8 | Haines, David S. (Haines, David S. & Lake, Stephen D.) | Insulating-Support for Electric Conductors |
296,688 | 1884, April 8 | Lake, Stephen D. (Haines, David S. & Lake, Stephen D.) | Insulating-Support for Electric Conductors |
296,881 | 1884, April 15 | Seely, John A. | Insulator |
297,101 | 1884, April 22 | Baldwin, Luther C. (Baldwin, Luther C. & Thurston, John C.) | Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
297,101 | 1884, April 22 | Thurston, John C. (Baldwin, Luther C. & Thurston, John C.) | Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
297,699 | 1884, April 29 | Klein, John M. | Pin for Insulators |
297,865 | 1884, April 29 | Snee, William | Machine for Making Insulator Pins |
298,593 | 1884, May 13 | Lewis, Joseph S. | Insulator |
298,594 | 1884, May 13 | Lewis, Joseph S. | Terminal Insulator |
301,446 | 1884, July 1 | Hale, Albert W. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
303,399 | 1884, Aug. 12 | Prince, George Washington | Electric Wire Insulator |
303,483 | 1884, Aug. 12 | Bailey, Charles DeRoy | Insulator |
303,877 | 1884, Aug. 19 | Neblett, Charles | Insulator-Supporting Bracket for Electric Wires |
303,936 | 1884, Aug. 19 | Krell, Emil F. | Machine for Making Glass Insulators |
304,699 | 1884, Sept. 9 | Broomhall, George L. | Insulating Device |
304,748 | 1884, Sept. 9 | Oakman, Samuel | Mold for Making Glass Insulators |
305,020 | 1884, Sept. 9 | Ruth, John Anthony | Insulator for lightning-Rods |
306,146 | 1884, Oct. 7 | Gray, Lawrence B. | Press for Molding Glass Insulators |
306,147 | 1884, Oct. 7 | Gray, Lawrence B. (Gray, Lawrence B. & Ham, Joseph) | Press for Molding Glass Insulators |
306,147 | 1884, Oct. 7 | Ham, Joseph (Gray, Lawrence B. & Ham, Joseph) | Press for Molding Glass Insulators |
306,718 | 1884, Oct. 21 | Clark, Eduard | Insulator |
306,719 | 1884, Oct. 21 | Clark, Eduard | Insulator |
307,916 | 1884, Nov. 11 | Cleveland, John S. (Cleveland, John S. & Kent, George F.) | Insulator |
307,916 | 1884, Nov. 11 | Kent, George F. (Cleveland, John S. & Kent, George F.) | Insulator |
310,059 | 1884, Dec. 30 | James, Hamilton J. | Insulator |
310,484 | 1885, Jan. 6 | Weyman, George W. | Press for the Manufacture of Insulators and Other Glass Articles |
313,377 | 1885, March 3 | Sawyer, William H. | Clamp for Binding Wires to Insulators |
315,660 | 1885, April 14 | Prenzel, Henry | Supporting-Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
316,469 | 1885, April 28 | Locke, Joseph (Locke, Joseph & Bowker, William) | Electric-Wire Insulator |
1885, April 28 | Bowker, William (Locke, Joseph & Bowker, William) | Electric-Wire Insulator | |
316,812 | 1885, April 28 | O'Brien, John | Telegraph-Insulator |
317,479 | 1885, May 5 | Wright, William H. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
319,447 | 1885, June 9 | Broomhall, George L. | Insulator |
321,646 | 1885, July 7 | Schoonmaker, Edward T. | Electric-Wire Insulator |
323,055 | 1885, July 28 | McGrory, Thomas | Insulator |
324,157 | 1885, Aug. 11 | Pennyciuck, James G. | Method of forming Screw-Threads on glass |
324,692 | 1885, Aug. 18 | Hill, George W. | Insulator for Securing Telegraph and Other Wires |
324,957 | 1885, Aug. 25 | Putnam, Jacob D. | Telegraph-Insulator |
328,728 | 1885, Oct. 20 | Smith, Leonard C. | Insulator |
328,929 | 1885, Oct. 27 | Fawcett, William N. (Fawcett, William N. & Huntley, George F.) | Electric-Wire Insulator and Supporter |
328,929 | 1885, Oct. 27 | Huntley, George F. (Fawcett, William N. & Huntley, George F.) | Electric-Wire Insulator and Supporter |
330,173 | 1885, Nov. 10 | Tringham, John Watson | Means for Supporting Electrical Wires |
332,061 | 1885, Dec. 8 | Deblieux, Benjamin Noel | Telegraph-Insulator |
336,276 | 1886, Feb. 16 | Wilson, John | Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
336,828 | 1886, Feb. 23 | Travis, Charles L. | Insulator |
340,734 | 1886, April 27 | Seaboldt, Bert | Electric-Wire Insulator |
342,320 | 1886, May 25 | Blake, Edwin Colwell (Blake, Edwin Colwell & Trimnell, Ernest Clayton) | Electric Circuit-Wire Insulator |
342,320 | 1886, May 25 | Trimnell, Ernest Clayton (Blake, Edwin Colwell & Trimnell, Ernest Clayton) | Electric Circuit-Wire Insulator |
346,475 | 1886, Aug. 3 | Emery, Edward C. | Insulator-Block for Electric Conductors |
346,971 | 1886, Aug 10 | Wilson, John | Telegraph-Insulator |
346,972 | 1886, Aug. 10 | Wilson, John | Telegraph-Insulator |
347,454 | 1886, Aug 17 | Wilson, John | Telegraph-Wire and Insulator Fastening |
347,635 | 1886, Aug. 17 | O'brien, John | Telegraph Insulator |
347,943 | 1886, Aug. 24 | Leonardson, John M. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
349,788 | 1886, Sept. 28 | Fitch, Nathan T. | Insulator |
352,436 | 1886, Nov. 9 | Winton, Henry D. | Electric Insulator |
352,437 | 1886, Nov. 9 | Winton, Henry D. | Electric Insulator |
353,120 | 1886, Nov. 23 | Brown, Robert G. | Insulator |
361,759 | 1887, April 26 | Gilson, Samuel H. | Composition for Pipes, Artificial Stone, & Other Articles |
362,076 | 1887, May 3 | Gilson, Samuel H. | Composition for Insulating and Other Purposes |
367,164 | 1887, July 26 | Ruger, Henry K. | Insulator |
368,284 | 1887, Aug. 16 | Fletcher, John R. | Electric Wire Clamp Insulator |
369,447 | 1887, Sept. 6 | Greenfield, Edwin T. | Insulator |
372,940 | 1887, Nov. 8 | Soden, Francis H. (Soden, Francis H. & Goehst, Henry) | Insulating Joint |
372,940 | 1887, Nov. 8 | Goehst, Henry (Soden, Francis H. & Goehst, Henry) | Insulating Joint |
375,276 | 1887, Dec. 20 | Emery, Edward C. | Insulator |
378,971 | 1888, March 6 | Neal, Lewis M. | Insulator |
383,734 | 1888, May 29 | Keyes, Frank E. | Insulator for Electrical Wires |
386,111 | 1888, July 17 | Cutler, Henry H. | Electric Wire Insulator |
386,986 | 1888, July 31 | Joslin, William E. | Electric Insulator-PEG. |
390,741 | 1888, Oct. 9 | Adams, Thomas E. | Insulator or Bracket-Support for Electric Wires |
391,512 | 1888, Oct. 23 | Cleveland, William B. | Electric Switch |
396,334 | 1889, Jan. 15 | Gilson, Samuel H. | Overhead Insulator |
398,025 | 1889, Feb. 19 | Brown, Warren C. | Insulator |
402,592 | 1889, May 7 | Heavside, Arthur W. | Electric-Wire Insulator |
402,752 | 1889, May 7 | Lock, Frederick M. (Locke, Frederick M. & Lapp, John) | Insulator |
402,752 | 1889, May 7 | Lock, Frederick M. (Locke, Frederick M. & Lapp, John) | Insulator |
402,810 | 1889, May 7 | Denver, William J. | Supporting and Cross-Connecting Electric Wires |
403,491 | 1889, May 14 | Smith, Thomas J. | Insulating Device for Line-Wires |
403,727 | 1889, May 21 | Berrang, Jacob C. | Insulator |
406,041 | 1889, July 2 | Gill, James C. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
406,994 | 1889, July 16 | Chinnock, Frank R. | Electric Wiring |
407,271 | 1889, July 16 | Woodward, Arthur T. | Plastic Compound |
408,383 | 1889, Aug. 6 | Graham, Carroll G. | Line-Wire Insulator |
410,637 | 1889, Sept. 10 | Davis, William M. | Insulator |
411,801 | 1889, Oct. 1 | Fletcher, John R. | Wire Holder and Insulator |
413,146 | 1889, Oct. 15 | McCarthy, Louis | Insulator |
415,864 | 1889, Nov. 26 | Gilson, Samuel H. | Composition for Overhead Insulators |
418,369 | 1889, Dec. 31 | Huff, George E. | Screw-Cleat for Electric Wires |
419,642 | 1890, Jan. 21 | Cornog, Isaac P. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
419,875 | 1890, Jan. 21 | Pease, Jacob | Screw-Press for Insulators |
421,819 | 1890, Feb. 18 | Davy, John W. | Insulator |
422,651 | 1890, March 4 | Stanley, George Edward | Insulator |
425,513 | 1890, April 15 | Kookogey, William P. | Insulator |
427,296 | 1890, May 6 | Buzby, Joseph F. | Insulator |
430,296 | 1890, June 17 | Oakman, Samuel | Insulator |
430,696 | 1890, June 24 | Seamon, William H. | Insulator |
433,561 | 1890, Aug. 5 | Furlong, Lawrence | Cleat for Electric Wires |
434,144 | 1890, Aug. 12 | Dunbar, John K. | Electric Insulator |
434,879 | 1890, Aug. 19 | Oakman, Samuel | Electric Insulator |
436,120 | 1890, Sept. 9 | Chubbuck, H. Eugene | Insulator-Bracket |
437,685 | 1890, Oct. 7 | Gaynor, Thomas F. | Insulator |
440,042 | 1890, Nov. 4 | Kessler, William | Insulator for Electric Conductors |
443,187 | 1890, Dec. 23 | Bain, Forée | Electric Insulator |
444,317 | 1891, Jan. 6 | Potter, John S. (Potter, John S. & Cartwright, David J.) | Electric-Wire Insulating-Cleat |
444,317 | 1891, Jan. 6 | Cartwright, David J. (Potter, John S. & Cartwright, David J.) | Electric-Wire Insulating-Cleat |
444,879 | 1891, Jan. 20 | Elkinis, Charles | Insulator |
445,790 | 1891, Feb. 3 | Winton, Henry D. | Insulator |
448,395 | 1891, March 17 | Wheeler, George K. | Insulator |
448,956 | 1891, March 24 | Graham, George H. (Graham, George H. & Gannane, Thomas) | Electric Insulator |
448,956 | 1891, March 24 | Gannane, Thomas (Graham, George H. & Gannane, Thomas) | Electric Insulator |
450,294 | 1891, April 14 | Lieb, Charles A. (Lieb, Charles A. & Lavens, Erwin) | Insulator |
450,294 | 1891, April 14 | Lavens, Erwin (Lieb, Charles A. & Lavens, Erwin) | Insulator |
450,384 | 1891, April 14 | Bertolette, Daniel A. | Electric-Wire Insulator |
450,708 | 1891, April 21 | Creighton, Theodore | Insulator |
451,950 | 1891, May 12 | Oakman, Samuel | Electric Insulator |
458,964 | 1891, Sept. 1 | Ball, Henry Price | Cleat for Electric Wires |
459,686 | 1891, Sept 15 | Gerrard, Clarence L. | Insulator |
460,448 | 1891, Sept. 29 | Ross, Frank Atherton | Insulator |
461,631 | 1891, Oct. 20 | Hewett, Robert Josephus | Insulating-Support for Electric Conductors |
462,862 | 1891, Nov. 10 | Gray, Lawrence B. | Press for Molding Glass Insulators |
463,587 | 1891, Nov. 17 | Thomas, Van A. | Insulator-Bracket |
463,588 | 1891, Nov. 17 | Thomas, Van A. | Insulator-Bracket |
463,955 | 1891, Nov. 24 | Newell, Hiram F. | Electric-Wire Insulator |
464,770 | 1891, Dec. 8 | Green, John J. (Green, John J. & Brown, George C.) | Clamp for Electric Wires |
464,770 | 1891, Dec. 8 | Brown, George C. (Green, John J. & Brown, George C.) | Clamp for Electric Wires |
465,961 | 1891, Dec. 29 | Albanese, Giuseppe Sacco | Insulator |
466,726 | 1892, Jan. 5 | Norgrave, George B. | Insulator |
467,941 | 1892, Feb. 2 | Lee, Charles Tennant | Insulator |
467,942 | 1892, Feb. 2 | Lee, Charles Tennant | Insulator |
469,940 | 1892, March 1 | Hammond, Charles N. | Insulator |
474,319 | 1892, May 3 | Goodrich, Charles F. | Insulator |
476,207 | 1892, May 31 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator-Pin |
476,813 | 1892, June 14 | Pass, James (Pass, James & Seymour, Albert P.) | Porcelain Insulator |
476,813 | 1892, June 14 | Seymour, Albert P. (Pass, James & Seymour, Albert P.) | Porcelain Insulator |
476,827 | 1892, June 14 | Seymour, Albert P. | Wire-Cleat |
476,828 | 1892, June 14 | Seymour, Albert P. | Circuit-Breaking Insulator |
476,964 | 1892, June 14 | Seymour, Albert P. | Insulating-Tube for Electric Conductors |
477,753 | 1892, June 28 | Goold, Frederick D'A | Insulator |
477,980 | 1892, June 28 | Wirt, Herbert C. | Insulator |
479,134 | 1892, July 19 | Conover, Chauncey Eugene | Insulator |
480,011 | 1892, Aug. 2 | Green, John J. | Insulator |
481,624 | 1892, Aug.30 | Pass, James (Pass, James & Seymour, Albert P.) | Ceiling-Rosette Cut-Out |
481,624 | 1892, Aug.30 | Seymour, Albert P. (Pass, James & Seymour, Albert P.) | Ceiling-Rosette Cut-Out |
482,297 | 1892, Sept. 6 | Clark, William H. | Electric Insulator |
482,872 | 1892, Sept. 20 | Lee, Charles Tennant | Insulator |
482,913 | 1892, Sept. 20 | Brooks, Herbert H | Insulator |
483,771 | 1892, Oct. 4 | Seymour, Albert P. | Insulator |
484,209 | 1892, Oct. 11 | Lock, Fred M. | Insulator |
485,106 | 1892, Oct. 25 | Lee, Charles Tennant | Insulator |
488,046 | 1892, Dec. 13 | Wirt, Charles | Insulator |
489,658 | 1893, Jan. 10 | McCarthy, Louis | Strain-Insulator |
490,560 | 1893, Jan. 24 | Hauty, Auguste Joseph | Insulator |
491,208 | 1893, Feb. 7 | Edmunds, William H. | Insulator-Clip |
491,362 | 1893, Feb. 7 | Lane, Augustus R. | Insulator |
493,434 | 1893, March 14 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator-Pin |
495,552 | 1893, April 18 | Hills, Louis | Insulator |
496,652 | 1893, May 2 | Hemingray, Ralph G. & Gill, James C.) | Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
496,652 | 1893, May 2 | Gill, James C. (Hemingray, Ralph G. & Gill, James C. | Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
497,515 | 1893, May 16 | Brady, Thomas H. | Insulator |
502,614 | 1893, Aug. 1 | Clarke, Edward H. | Cleat for Insulated Wires |
503,384 | 1893, Aug. 15 | Pawolowski, Jacob | Cleat for Electric Wires |
503,778 | 1893, Aug. 22 | Trimble, William D. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
504,059 | 1893, Aug. 29 | Blackburn, George W. | Insulator |
505,123 | 1893, Sept. 19 | O'Neill, James J. | Insulator-Pin |
505,215 | 1893, Sept. 19 | Buffinton, Elisha W. | Cleat for Holding a Plurality of Insulated Electric Wires |
505,319 | 1893, Sept. 19 | Eisenhart, Charles A. | Insulator Pin and Bracket Machine |
505,912 | 1893, Oct. 3 | Buffinton, Elisha W. | Cleat for Holding Insulated Electric Wires |
508,687 | 1893, Nov. 14 | Duggan, Frederic A. | Cleat for Electric Wiring |
510,809 | 1893, Dec. 12 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator Pin |
511,611 | 1893, Dec. 26 | Hammond, Charles N. | Insulator |
511,612 | 1893, Dec. 26 | Hammond, Charles N. | Insulator |
514,221 | 1894, Feb. 6 | Gray, Lawrence B. | Insulator |
515,448 | 1894, Feb. 27 | Schomburg, Rudolf | Fixing Electric Conducting Wires to Insulators Supporting Same |
515,779 | 1894, March 6 | Luscomb, Henry Herbert | Strain-Insulator |
517,591 | 1894, April 3 | Robinson, Miner | Insulating-Tube |
518,214 | 1894, April 17 | Ball, Henry Price | Ceiling-Cleat |
518,301 | 1894, April 17 | Wirt, Herbert C. | Ceiling-Cleat |
518,907 | 1894, April 24 | Wyman, Horace B. | Cleat for Supporting Conducting Wires for Electric Circuits |
520,367 | 1894, May 22 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
520,412 | 1894, May 29 | Conover, Chauncey Eugene | Insulator |
520,602 | 1894, May 29 | Luscomb, Henry Herbert | Insulator |
520,855 | 1894, June 5 | Lieb, Charles A. | Feed-Wire Insulator |
522,175 | 1894, June 26 | Anderson, Johan M. | Insulator |
522,302 | 1894, July 3 | Nashold, Elias | Self-Locking Cleat for Electric Wires |
522,428 | 1894, July 3 | Mace, Romaine | Insulator |
524,100 | 1894, Aug. 7 | Beardsley, Lauren S. | Supporting-Insulator for Electric Wires |
524,659 | 1894, Aug. 14 | Winslow, George H. | Insulator |
524,850 | 1894, Aug. 21 | Hammond, Charles N. | Insulator |
525,001 | 1894, Aug. 28 | Bradley, Leonard W. | Insulator |
526,472 | 1894, Sept. 25 | Webster, George | Insulator for Electric Conductors |
526,498 | 1894, Sept. 25 | Osyor, David N. | Conductor-Support and Insulator |
527,254 | 1894, Oct. 9 | Trimble, William D. | Insulator |
527,317 | 1894, Oct. 9 | Bullock, Edward J. | Insulator |
527,318 | 1894, Oct. 9 | Bullock, Edward J. | Insulator-Pin |
530,498 | 1894, Dec. 11 | Ball, Henry Price | Insulator for Electric Overhead Construction |
530,706 | 1894, Dec. 11 | McCarthy, Louis | Insulator |
531,635 | 1895, Jan. 1 | Iske, Albert | Electric-Wire Holder or Insulator |
531,702 | 1895, Jan. 1 | Swift, Joseph H. (Swift, Joseph H. & Maintien, William F.) | Cleat for Electric Wiring |
531,702 | 1895, Jan. 1 | Maintien, William F. (Swift, Joseph H. & Maintien, William F.) | Cleat for Electric Wiring |
532,973 | 1895, Jan. 22 | Kribs, Seraphin | Screw-Press for Forming Insulators |
536,684 | 1895, April 2 | Creager, Frank O. | Self-Locking Cleat for Electric Wires |
539,040 | 1895, May 14 | Deisles, Leonard H. | Insulator |
542,565 | 1895, July 9 | Kribs, Seraphin | Press for Making Screw-Insulators |
544,501 | 1895, Aug. 13 | Buffinton, Elisha W. | Cleat for Holding Electric Wires |
544,778 | 1895, Aug. 20 | Sproat, Clinton (Sproat, Clinton & Tarr, Edward N.) | Insulator for Electric or Other Wires |
544,778 | 1895, Aug. 20 | Tarr, Edward N. (Sproat, Clinton & Tarr, Edward N.) | Insulator for Electric or Other Wires |
544,959 | 1895, Aug. 20 | Collins, Reuben G. (Collins, Reuben G. & Foley, Frank W.) | Insulator |
544,959 | 1895, Aug. 20 | Foley, Frank W. (Collins, Reuben G. & Foley, Frank W.) | Insulator |
545,620 | 1895, Sept. 3 | Wood, Montraville M. | Cleat for Electric Wires |
545,819 | 1895, Sept. 3 | Rothenberger, Daniel M. | Electric Insulator |
546,383 | 1895, Sept. 17 | Gerstenlauer, Gottleib | Insulator |
546,585 | 1895, Sept. 17 | Dibb, William (Dibb, William & Vickers, Albert) | Insulator |
546,585 | 1895, Sept. 17 | Vickers, Albert (Dibb, William & Vickers, Albert) | Insulator |
547,600 | 1895, Oct. 8 | Carroll, Charles F. | Insulator-Pin and Insulator |
549,443 | 1895, Nov. 5 | Collins, Joseph | Electric Supporting-Insulator |
550,673 | 1895, Dec. 3 | Beron, Frank G. | Cross-Over Insulator |
551,032 | 1895, Dec. 10 | Hemphill, James R. | Cleat for Electric Wiring |
552,501 | 1895, Dec. 31 | Snively, Charles H. | Insulator |
554,664 | 1896, Feb. 18 | Eckert, Thomas T. | Means for Supporting and Insulating Electric Conductors |
554,723 | 1896, Feb. 18 | Peloubet, Esten | Insulator |
554,955 | 1896, Feb. 18 | Riera, Magin | Insulator for Electric Wires |
557,600 | 1896, April 7 | Peterson, Cyrus A. | Insulator |
557,881 | 1896, April 7 | Rappleye, Hannibal W. | Insulator |
558,165 | 1896, April 14 | Evans, Frederic B. | Electric-Wire Cleat |
558,509 | 1896, April 21 | Middleton, George | Wire-Clamp for Telegraph or Similar Wires |
562,166 | 1896, June 16 | Blankinsop, Thomas (Blankinsop, Thomas & Brown, Joseph W.) | Insulator |
562,166 | 1896, June 16 | Brown, Joseph W. (Blankinsop, Thomas & Brown, Joseph W.) | Insulator |
563,482 | 1896, July 7 | Haley, Patrick | Insulating-Support for Rails of Electric Railways |
565,944 | 1896, Aug. 18 | Toward, Charles P. | Insulator-Support |
566,045 | 1896, Aug. 18 | Perton, James Alfred (Perton, James Alfred & Treharne, Frederick Gwilym) | Insulator for Electrical Purposes |
566,045 | 1896, Aug. 18 | Treharne, Frederick Gwilym (Perton, James Alfred & Treharne, Frederick Gwilym) | Insulator for Electrical Purposes |
566,468 | 1896, Aug. 25 | Oliver, James B. | Insulator-Support |
568,060 | 1896, Sept. 22 | Wood, William | Insulator |
570,034 | 1896, Oct. 27 | Martin, Charles B. (Martin, Charles B. & Hewlett, Edward M.) | Insulator |
570,034 | 1896, Oct. 27 | Hewlett, Edward M. (Martin, Charles B. & Hewlett, Edward M.) | Insulator |
573,092 | 1896, Dec. 15 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
573,101 | 1896, Dec. 15 | O'Neill, James J. | Wall Insulator |
573,966 | 1896, Dec. 29 | Duncan, Robert | Insulator-Hanger |
574,101 | 1896, Dec. 29 | Martin, Charles B. | Insulator |
574,828 | 1897, Jan. 5 | Smock, Benjamin D. B. | Insulator |
575,090 | 1897, Jan. 12 | Adam, Carl F. | Cleat |
575,952 | 1897, Jan. 26 | Hoover, Frank | Insulator |
578,825 | 1897, March 16 | Luscomb, Henry H. (Luscomb, Henry H. & Crane, William F. D.) | Insulator |
578,825 | 1897, March 16 | Crane, William F.D. (Luscomb, Henry H. & Crane, William F.D.) | Insulator |
580,628 | 1897, April 13 | Treharne, Frederick Gwilym | Insulator and Insulating Conduit or Tubing for Electrical Purposes |
581,088 | 1897, April 20 | Sharpe, John E. | Electric-Wire Insulator |
582,396 | 1897, May 11 | Schnee, William G. | Insulator |
586,700 | 1897, July 20 | Tracy, John J. | Electric-Line Insulator |
587,273 | 1897, July 27 | Rudolf, Heinrich | Insulator |
588,048 | 1897, Aug. 10 | Ashby, George | Insulator for Wires |
588,795 | 1897, Aug. 24 | Hemmingray, Ralph G. | Glass-Press |
590,806 | 1897, Sept. 28 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
590,832 | 1897, Sept. 28 | Grimm, Fred B. (Grimm, Fred B. & Nessler, John H.) | Insulator |
590,832 | 1897, Sept. 28 | Nessler, John H. (Grimm, Fred B. & Nessler, John H.) | Insulator |
591,104 | 1897, Oct. 5 | Roberts, Willis | Insulator for Electric Wires |
592,505 | 1897, Oct. 26 | Barbour, Wellington | Electrical Insulator |
593,625 | 1897, Nov. 16 | Warner, Ernest P. | Insulated Hanger |
593,689 | 1897, Nov. 16 | Rembe, Louis F. | Insulator |
595,827 | 1897, Dec. 21 | Woolsey, Charles A. | Insulator Bracket |
596,651 | 1897, Jan. 4 | Brookfield, Henry M. | Press for Making Insulators |
596,652 | 1898, Jan 4. | Brookfield, Henry M. (Brookfield, Henry M. & Kribs, Seraphin) | Press for Making Insulators |
596,652 | 1898, Jan 4. | Kribs, Seraphin (Brookfield, Henry M. & Kribs, Seraphin) | Press for Making Insulators |
596,682 | 1898, Jan 4. | Kribs, Seraphin | Press for Making Insulators |
600,475 | 1898, March 8 | Boch, John W. | Electrical Insulator and Method of Making Same |
600,607 | 1898, March 15 | Benedict, Fred | Insulator-Support for Electrical Conductors |
601,195 | 1898, March 22 | Boch, John W. | High-Potential Insulator |
601,454 | 1898, March 29 | Weikman, Augustus H. | Clamping-Buckle for Electric Line-Wires |
602,576 | 1898, April 19 | Fletcher, John R. | Bracket for Insulators |
605,109 | 1898, June 7 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
605,256 | 1898, June 7 | Mershon, Ralph D. | Insulator |
605,741 | 1898, June 14 | McCarthy, Louis | Strain-Insulator |
607,315 | 1898, July 12 | Wingard, Charles Leo | Insulator |
609,888 | 1898, Aug. 30 | Leonard, Sylvester S. | Clamp for Electric Wires |
614,303 | 1898, Nov. 15 | Hemingray, Ralph G. | Glass-Press |
619,555 | 1899, Feb. 14 | Frantz, Isaac B. | Telegraph-Insulator |
619,915 | 1899, Feb. 21 | Wentworth, Fred W. | Tie-Wire or Clasp for Insulators |
621,661 | 1899, March 21 | Harloe, Morton (Harloe, Morton & Bloes, Wilton S.) | Insulator |
621,661 | 1899, March 21 | Bloes, Wilton S. (Harloe, Morton & Bloes, Wilton S.) | Insulator |
626,065 | 1899, May 30 | Holmes, Welles E. | Insulator |
626,592 | 1899, June 6 | Carpenter, John Austin (Carpenter, John Austin & Tonn, Charles Frederick) | Insulator |
626,592 | 1899, June 6 | Tonn, Charles Frederick (Carpenter, John Austin & Tonn, Charles Frederick) | Insulator |
627,366 | 1899, June 20 | Treleaven, John | Insulator for Fastening Electric Wires |
628,667 | 1899, July 11 | King, Charles K. (King, Charles K. & Mead, George A.) | Insulated Rail-Support |
628,667 | 1899, July 11 | Mead, George A. (King, Charles K. & Mead, George A.) | Insulated Rail-Support |
631,234 | 1899, Aug. 15 | Stevens, Henry M. | Cleat for Electric-Wiring |
633,173 | 1899, Sept. 19 | WithyCombe, Frederick Henry | Insulator |
633,174 | 1899, Sept. 19 | WithyCombe, Frederick Henry | Insulator |
633,175 | 1899, Sept. 19 | WithyCombe, Frederick Henry | Insulator |
633,176 | 1899, Sept. 19 | WithyCombe, Frederick Henry | Insulator |
634,568 | 1899, Oct. 10 | Beal, Carroll N. | Insulating-Support for Electric Wires |
646,948 | 1900, April 10 | Brookfield, Henry M. (Brookfield, Henry M. & Kribs, Seraphin) | Press for Molding Insulators |
646,948 | 1900, April 10 | Kribs, Seraphin (Brookfield, Henry M. & Kribs, Seraphin) | Press for Molding Insulators |
646,949 | 1900, April 10 | Brookfield, Henry M. | Press for Molding Insulators or Similar Articles |
650,445 | 1900, May 29 | Zertuche, Emilio | Insulator |
657,574 | 1900, Sept. 11 | Sinding-Larsen, Alf | High-Voltage Insulator |
660,140 | 1900, Oct. 23 | Alley, Cassius | Insulator |
660,271 | 1900, Oct. 23 | Henderson, Robert H. (Henderson, Robert H. & Henderson, John G.) | Insulating-Knob for Electric-Light Wiring |
660,271 | 1900, Oct. 23 | Henderson, John G. (Henderson, Robert H. & Henderson, John G.) | Insulating-Knob for Electric-Light Wiring |
664,176 | 1900, Dec. 18 | Risler, Emil | Electric Insulator |
664,301 | 1900, Dec. 18 | Sterling, Richard H. | Insulator |
664,432 | 1900, Dec. 25 | Renault, Edward | Insulator |
667,103 | 1901, Jan. 29 | Sargent, Howard R. | Insulator |
667,882 | 1901, Feb. 12 | King, Charles K. | Feeder-Wire Insulator |
669,691 | 1901, March 12 | Harloe, Morton | Insulator for Electric Wires |
671,876 | 1901, April 9 | Beardsley, Willard P. | Self-Locking Insulator |
676,881 | 1901, June 25 | Etheridge, Harry | Self-Locking Insulator and Pin |
678,042 | 1901, July 9 | Sargent, Howard R. | Rack-Insulator |
679,308 | 1901, July 30 | Geisenhoner, Henry | Insulator |
679,544 | 1901, July 30 | Sharpe, John E. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
682,709 | 1901, Sept. 17 | Jenkins, Wilton F. | Insulator |
682,831 | 1901, Sept. 17 | Murdock, Henry D. | Adjustable Insulator |
684,909 | 1901, Oct. 22 | Cole, John Appleton | Insulating-Bushing |
685,776 | 1901, Nov. 5 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator Support |
686,609 | 1901, Nov. 12 | Hemingray, Ralph G. | Insulating-Support for Electric Wires |
687,230 | 1901, Nov. 26 | Hallett, Thomas E. | Insulator Support |
689,171 | 1901, Dec. 17 | Duffy, John F. (Duffy, John F. & Hershey, Henry Bruner) | Insulator |
689,171 | 1901, Dec. 17 | Hershey, Henry Bruner (Duffy, John F. & Hershey, Henry Bruner) | Insulator |
689,218 | 1901, Dec. 17 | Parks, Albert F. | Electrical Insulator |
696,665 | 1902, April 1 | Benbow William C. | Wire-Insulator |
697,001 | 1902, April 8 | Nichols, William H. | Insulator |
697,628 | 1902, April 15 | Johnston, Chauncy C. | Insulator and Attachment for Electric Wires |
698,976 | 1902, April 29 | Locke, Fred M. | Sleeve for Protecting Insulator-Pins |
699,761 | 1902, May 13 | Kretzer, Henry F. | Insulator |
700,463 | 1902, May 20 | Walther, William J. | Insulator for Electric Circuits |
701,063 | 1902, May 27 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator Pin |
701,847 | 1902, June 10 | Converse, Vernon G. | Insulator |
701,848 | 1902, June 10 | Converse, Vernon G. | Insulator |
702,660 | 1902, June 17 | Locke, Fred M. | Process of Making Insulators |
702,661 | 1902, June 17 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator and Process of Manufacturing Same |
704,172 | 1902, July 8 | Calvin, James E. | Insulator |
705,811 | 1902, July 29 | Allen, John Scott | Insulating-Support for Metallic Circuits |
707,429 | 1902, Aug. 19 | King Theodore F. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
710,206 | 1902, Sept. 30 | O'Brien, James (O'Brien, James & Mattimore, John) | Apparatus for Transposing Electric-Circuit Wires so as to Equalize Induction |
710,206 | 1902, Sept. 30 | Mattimore, John (O'Brien, James & Mattimore, John) | Apparatus for Transposing Electric-Circuit Wires so as to Equalize Induction |
710,282 | 1902, Sept. 30 | Lefever, Edwin | Insulator |
710,297 | 1902, Sept. 30 | Peirce, Ralph S. | Insulator |
711,629 | 1902, Oct. 21 | Hobert, Clayton | Insulator |
712,440 | 1902, Oct. 28 | Shreffler, James L. | Insulator |
713,904 | 1902, Nov. 18 | Murray, John E. | Insulator for Telegraph-Lines |
715,375 | 1902, Dec. 9 | Harloe, Morton | Insulator |
716,343 | 1902, Dec. 16 | Locke, Fred M. | Machine for Forming the Interior of Plastic Materials |
723,589 | 1903, March 24 | Duffield, Thomas C. | Machine for Producing Glass Insulators |
724,329 | 1903, March 31 | Polk, Robert H | Insulator |
724,351 | 1903, March 31 | Steinberger, Louis | Insulated Strain |
724,848 | 1903, April 7 | Gregory, Ferdinand W. | Insulator |
725,044 | 1903, April 14 | Claydon, Charles | Insulator |
726,846 | 1903, May 5 | Bell, Joseph R. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
728,412 | 1903, May, 19 | Burke, Edward J. | Electric Insulator |
728,805 | 1903, May 19 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
730,805 | 1903, May 19 | Stroh, William G. | Insulator |
731,239 | 1903, June 16 | Sorg, Fredrich William | Telephone-Circuit |
735,212 | 1903, Aug 4 | Converse, Vernon G. | Insulator |
735,429 | 1903, Aug 4 | Waters, James | Insulator-Machine |
736,049 | 1903, Aug 11 | Wood, James J. | Electric-Fuse Box |
737,027 | 1903, Aug. 25 | Rutledge, William G. | Insulator |
739,147 | 1903, Sept. 15 | Bottjer, Herman | Insulator for Electric Wires |
740,314 | 1903, Sept. 29 | Robertson, Charles B. (Robertson, Charles B. & Robertson, John J.) | Insulator |
740,314 | 1903, Sept. 29 | Robertson, John J. (Robertson, Charles B. & Robertson John J.) | Insulator |
744,631 | 1903, Nov. 17 | Schoenthaler, Edward F. | Insulator |
745,234 | 1903, Nov. 24 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
745,999 | 1903, Dec. 8 | Bower, Sigmund | Insulator |
746,362 | 1903, Dec. 8 | McFeaters, George H. | Insulator Hanger or Bracket |
746,469 | 1903, Dec. 8 | Beauregard, Cullen | Electrical-Wire Support |
746,671 | 1903, Dec. 15 | Carter, Taylor | Insulator |
750,722 | 1904, Jan. 26 | Steinberger, Louis | Insulator |
751,664 | 1904, Feb. 9 | Lyman, Thomas T. | Electric Insulator |
751,739 | 1904, Feb. 9 | Lindal, Peter S. | Insulator |
751,831 | 1904, Feb. 9 | Bullard, James H. | Insulator-Pin |
753,398 | 1904, March 1 | Hunt, Emory Clyde | Cleat for Electric Wiring |
753,399 | 1904, March 1 | Hunt, Emory Clyde | Combination Bracket and Knob for Electric Conductors |
754,123 | 1904, March 8 | Bullard, James H. | Insulator-Pin |
756,026 | 1904, March 29 | Kinsley, William S. (Kinsley, William S. & Bell, Steward S.) | Insulator |
756,026 | 1904, March 29 | Bell, Steward S. (Kinsley, Willaim S. & Bell, Steward S.) | Insulator |
756,627 | 1904, April 5 | Hanson, John A. (Hanson, John A. & Lambert, Albert F.) | Insulator |
756,627 | 1904, April 5 | Lambert, Albert, F. (Hanson, John A. & Lambert, Albert F.) | Insulator |
756,724 | 1904, April 5 | Snodgrass, John C. | Insulator |
757,765 | 1904, April 19 | Osborne, John W. | Insulator |
758,175 | 1904, April 26 | Cutter, Scott C. | Insulator |
758,986 | 1904, May 3 | Locke, Fred M. | Tubular Insulator |
759,276 | 1904, May 10 | Hobert, Clayton | Insulator for Telegraph-Wires |
760,620 | 1904, May 24 | Grant, Francis Jones | Insulator-Bracket |
761,326 | 1904, May 31 | Schorling, William H. | Machine for Molding Insulators |
761,760 | 1904, June 7 | Chesney, Cummings C. | Insulator |
761,814 | 1904, June 7 | Bearse, Aaron | Combined Insulator and Fuse-Box |
767,948 | 1904, Aug. 16 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
769,639 | 1904, Sept. 6 | Sargent, Howard R. | Cleat for Electric Conductors |
770,278 | 1904, Sept 20. | Fletcher, John R. | Insulation-Rack |
770,962 | 1904, Sept. 27 | Gill, Jacob F. | Insulator |
770,999 | 1904, Sept. 27 | Bettmann, Charles Fredrick (Bettmann, Charles Frederick & Zapp, John) | Wire-Support |
770,999 | 1904, Sept. 27 | Zapp, John (Bettmann, Charles Fredrick & Zapp, John) | Wire-Support |
771,297 | 1904, Oct. 4 | Chesney, Cummings C. | Insulator |
773,733 | 1904, Nov. 1 | Greene, Leon W. | Insulator |
773,768 | 1904, Nov. 1 | Schorling, William H. | Molding Machine |
774,765 | 1904, Nov. 15 | Locke, Fred M. | Art and Method of Manufacturing Earthenware Insulators |
775,986 | 1904, Nov. 29 | Oakman, Samuel | Insulator |
776,514 | 1904, Dec. 6 | Hunt, Emory Clyde | Cleat for Electric Wiring |
776,789 | 1904, Dec. 6 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
778,005 | 1904, Dec. 20 | Booker, Charles | Electric Insulator |
778,420 | 1904, Dec. 27 | Locke, Fred M. | Device for attaching insulators to cross arms |
779,659 | 1905, Jan 10 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
779,828 | 1905, Jan 10 | Wood, Montraville M. | Insulator-Pin |
782,676 | 1905, Feb. 14 | Mack, Johann | Arrangement for Securing Wires of Insulators |
783,229 | 1905, Feb 21 | Steinberger, Louis | Locking Insulator |
783,348 | 1905, Feb 21 | Wright, William H. | Insulator |
785,561 | 1905, March 21 | Latimer, John Morris | Wiring-Cleat |
786,472 | 1905, April 4 | Ward, Frank Dietrich (Ward, Frank Dietrick & Furniss, Harry Crampton) | Insulator for the Conductors of Electric Railways |
786,472 | 1905, April 4 | Furniss, Harry Crampton (Ward, Frank Dietrick & Furniss, Harry Crampton) | Insulator for the Conductors of Electric Railways |
786,690 | 1905, April 4 | Steinberger, Louis | Multiple-Hood Insulator |
786,691 | 1905, April 4 | Steinberger, Louis | Strain |
787,107 | 1905, April 11 | McDaniel, Robert. J (McDaniel, Robert J. & Graves Salathekl V.) | Telegraph or Telephone Wire Insulator |
787,107 | 1905, April 11 | Graves, Salathiel V. (McDaniel, Robert J. & Graves, Salathiel V.) | Telegraph or Telephone Wire Insulator |
787,442 | 1905, April 18 | Flynt, Samuel B. (Flynt, Samuel B. & Leaman, A. Maiden) | Insulator for Electric Wires |
787,442 | 1905, April 18 | Leaman, A. Maiden (Flynt, Samuel B. & Leaman, A. Maiden) | Insulator for Electric Wires |
789,573 | 1905, May 9 | Steinberger, Louis | Insulator |
790,214 | 1905, May 16 | Locke, Fred M. | Method of Manufacturing High-Potential Earthenware Insulators |
790,715 | 1905, May 23 | Brookfield, Henry M. | Machinery for the Manufacture of Glass Insulators of Other Glass Articles |
795,520 | 1905, July 25 | Lapp, John S. (Lapp, John S., Watts, Arthur S. & Goddard, Walter T.) | Strain Insulator |
795,520 | 1905, July 25 | Watts, Arthur S. (Lapp, John S., Watts, Arthur S. & Goddard, Walter T.) | Strain Insulator |
795,520 | 1905, July 25 | Goddard, Walter T. (Lapp, John S., Watts, Arthur S. & Goddard, Walter T.) | Strain Insulator |
795,521 | 1905, July 25 | Lapp, John S. | Insulator |
796,977 | 1905, Augl. 8 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator Pin |
798,235 | 1905, Aug. 20 | Twiggs, William R. | Insulator |
801,196 | 1905, Oct. 3 | Mathias, Charles L. | Self-Locking Insulator |
801,461 | 1905, Oct. 10 | Kribbs, Anthony | Mold for Forming Insulators |
802,096 | 1905, Oct. 17 | Dunton, Charles W. | Tree-Insulator |
802,397 | 1905 Oct. 24 | Humphrey, Clarence | Insulator for Electric Wires |
803,973 | 1905, Nov. 7 | Bemis, George M. | Insulator |
804,115 | 1905, Nov. 7 | Goodridge, Gilbert W. | Electrical Insulator |
804,630 | 1905, Nov. 14 | Short, Edward C. | Support for Pole Cross-Arms |
805,169 | 1905, Nov. 21 | Taubold, John F. | Insulator and Wire-Clamp |
806,588 | 1905, Dec. 5 | Sinclair, Herbert | Electrical Insulator |
806,717 | 1905, Dec. 5 | Thomas, George W. | High-Voltage Insulator |
806,887 | 1905, Dec. 12 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator-Pin |
814,613 | 1906, March 6 | MacKean, Frank | Insulator-Pin |
814,887 | 1906, March 13 | Swanson, Hans | Insulator Attachment |
815,471 | 1906, March 20 | Ricks, George L. | Insulator |
815,222 | 1906, March 13 | Schorling, William H. | Device for Supporting Glass Insulators or Other Glass Articles with Plastic |
815,506 | 1906, March 20 | Blynt, Herbert S. | Insulator |
818,186 | 1906, April 17 | Murdock, Henry D. | Insulating Cleat |
821,401 | 1906, May 22, | Carter, Taylor | Insulator |
821,746 | 1906, May 29 | Richard, Augusto | Insulator |
822,211 | 1906, May 29 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
823,461 | 1906, June 12 | Bullard, James H. | Insulator Pins |
824,055 | 1906, June 19 | Acly, Harry M. | Insulator |
825,795 | 1906, July 10 | Baker, Melvin F. | Insulator |
826,916 | 1906, July 24 | Bartley, Samuel (Bartley, Samuel & Bartley, William O.) | Insulator |
826,916 | 1906, July 24 | Bartley, William O. (Bartley, Samuel & Bartley, William O.) | Insulator |
825,954 | 1906, July 17 | Blake, Charles C. | Cleat for Electric Wires |
829,646 | 1906, Aug. 28 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator |
830,501 | 1906, Sept. 11 | Goehst, John H. | Protecting-Bushing for Electric-Circuit Wires |
830,585 | 1906, Sept. 11 | Graves, Salathiel V. (Graves, Salathiel V. & McDaniel, Samuel H.) | Insulator for Telegraph and Telephone Wires |
830,585 | 1906, Sept. 11 | McDaniel, Samuel H. (Graves, Salathiel V. & McDaniel, Samuel H.) | Insulator for Telegraph and Telephone Wires |
831,168 | 1906, Sept. 18 | Lembeck, Arthur J. L. | Insulator |
831,338 | 1906, Sept. 18 | Glick, Monroe J. | Insulator |
833,877 | 1906, Oct. 23 | Grant, Frances Jones | Insulator |
834,533 | 1906, Oct. 30 | Nicols, James F. | Insulator |
834,567 | 1906, Oct. 30 | Falkenberg, Richard A. (Falkenberg, Richard A. & Simon, Solomon S.) | Insulator |
834,567 | 1906, Oct. 30 | Simon, Solomon S. (Falkenberg, Richard A. & Simon, Solomon S.) | Insulator |
835,235 | 1906, Nov. 6 | Brookfield, Henry M. (Brookfield, Henry M. & Stivers, William D.) | Press for Making Glass Insulators or Similar Articles |
835,235 | 1906, Nov. 6 | Stivers, William D. (Brookfield, Henry M. & Stivers, William D.) | Press for Making Glass Insulators or Similar Articles |
835,236 | 1906, Nov. 6 | Brookfield, Henry M. | Press for Making Insulators or Similar Articles |
835,393 | 1906, Nov. 6 | Brookfield, Henry M. | Process for Molding Glass |
836,122 | 1906, Nov. 20 | Locke, Fred M. | High-Potential Insulator |
836,297 | 1906, Nov. 20 | Brookfield, Henry M. | Apparatus for Making Glass Insulators or Other Similar Glass Articles |
836,298 | 1906,Nov. 20 | Brookfield, Henry M. | Process for Making Glass Insulators or Other Glass Articles |
838,163 | 1906, Dec. 11 | Baum, Frank George | High-Tension Insulator |
838,727 | 1906, Dec. 18 | Locke, Fred M. | Die for Forming Insulators |
840,336 | 1907, Jan. 1 | Johnson, Alfred | Insulator |
843,258 | 1907, Feb. 5 | Clark, Walter G. | Insulator-Clamp |
848,259 | 1907, Feb. 5 | Clark, Walter G. | Insulator |
844,796 | 1907, Feb. 19 | Hatchett, Andrew | Insulating Wire-Holder |
845,544 | 1907, Feb. 26 | Gordon, Waldo C. | Wiring-Knob |
848,473 | 1907, March 26 | Lee, Thomas B. | Insulating-Clamp |
849,606 | 1907, April 9 | Goldstein, Albion | Insulator |
849,731 | 1907, April 9 | Feuerstein, Siegmund | Insulator |
849,896 | 1907, April 9 | Griffith, Charles | Insulator |
851,222 | 1907, April 23 | Clark, Walter G. | Insulator-Clamp |
852,730 | 1907, May 7 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
854,315 | 1907, May 21 | Stauffer, Henry D. | Insulator |
855,208 | 1907, May 28 | Sinclair, Herbert | Insulator |
855,253 | 1907, May 28 | Lee, William States, Jr. | Insulator-Pin |
856,488 | 1907, June 11 | Peirce, Charles L., Jr. | Insulator |
856,801 | 1907, June 11 | Peirce, Charles, Jr. | Insulator |
861,275 | 1907, July 30 | Gallagher, Constantine | Insulator for Electric Wires |
864,599 | 1907, Aug. 27 | Beckett, James W. (Beckett, James W. & Beckett, William R.) | Insulator for Electric Wires |
864,599 | 1907, Aug. 27 | Beckett, William R. (Beckett, James W. & Beckett, William R.) | Insulator for Electric Wires |
864,947 | 1907, Sept. 3 | Buffinton, Elisha W. | Clamp for Electric Wires |
865,697 | 1907, Sept. 10 | Henderson, Robert E. (Henderson, Robert E. & King, John N.) | Insulator |
865,697 | 1907, Sept. 10 | King, John N. (Henderson, Robert E. & King, John N.) | Insulator |
866,596 | 1907, Sept. 17 | Morton, William A. | Insulator |
867,901 | 1907, Oct. 8 | Barclay, John C. | Insulator |
868,122 | 1907, Oct. 15 | Poinan, Francis J. | Electric Insulator |
868,530 | 1907, Oct. 15 | Cooper, John A. | Telegraph and Telephone Insulator |
869,163 | 1907, Oct. 22 | Devine, William J. | Insulator |
870,187 | 1907, Nov. 5 | Locke, Fred M. | Wall-Insulator |
872,216 | 1907, Nov. 26 | Bodley, Homer D. | Insulator |
872,569 | 1907, Dec. 3 | Locke, Fred M. | System of Insulation for High-Voltage Electric Conductors |
872,756 | 1907, Dec. 3 | Scherer, Frederick C. (Scherer, Frederick C. & Fashbaugh, Henry C.) | Insulator |
872,756 | 1907, Dec. 3 | Fashbaugh, Henry C. (Scherer, Frederick C. & Fashbaugh, Henry C.) | Insulator |
872,993 | 1907, Dec. 3 | Deem, Arthur S. | Insulator |
874,445 | 1907, Dec. 24 | Shears, Albert L. | Insulator |
876,059 | 1908, Jan. 7 | Irons, William H. | Split Knob |
876,828 | 1908, Jan. 14 | McNutt, Ross C. | Insulator |
876,939 | 1908, Jan. 21 | Buck, Harold W. | Insulator |
878,302 | 1908, Feb. 4 | Markel, Harley R. | Insulator |
878,646 | 1908, Feb. 11 | Locke, Fred M. | High-Potential Insulator |
878,679 | 1908, Feb. 11 | Smith, William N. | Support for Insulators |
878,949 | 1908, Feb. 11 | Hanson, John H. | Electric-Wire Insulator |
879,033 | 1908, Feb. 11 | Caldwell, John | Insulator for Electric Wires |
880,203 | 1908, Feb. 25 | Duncan, John D. E. | Insulator |
880,971 | 1908, March 3 | Carter, George Washington | Insulator |
881,967 | 1908, March 17 | Slusser, Charles R. | Electric Insulator |
882,095 | 1908, March 17 | Callane, Waldo E. | Wire Tie for Insulators |
882,803 | 1908, March 24 | Storror, Leonard W. | Insulator |
884,641 | 1908, April 14 | Clark, Walter G. | Hanging Insulator |
887,107 | 1908, May 12 | Locke, Fred M. | Wire-Fastener for Insulators |
887,520 | 1908, May 12 | Rehling, John Wm. | Insulator |
887,578 | 1908, May 12 | Beyer, David S. | Hanger for Electric Wires |
887,930 | 1908, May 19 | Elliott, Chester | Means for Attaching Line Wires to Insulators |
887,996 | 1908, May 19 | Burge, James M. | Combined Insulator and Lamp-Hanger |
888,154 | 1908, May 19 | Friend, Howard | Insulator |
888,616 | 1908, May 26 | Johnson, Chauncey C. | Insulator |
894,616 | 1908, July 28 | Fay, John L. | Insulator and Wire-Clamp |
897,669 | 1908, Sept. 1 | Siegwart, Frank Joseph | Insulator |
898,921 | 1908, Sept. 15 | Purves, Thomas Fortune (Purves, Thomas Fortune & Sinnott, John) | Insulator |
898,921 | 1908, Sept. 15 | Sinnott, John (Purves, Thomas Fortune & Sinnott, John) | Insulator |
900,917 | 1908, Oct. 13 | Dobson, Grant | Insulator |
902,455 | 1908, Oct. 27 | Skinner, James E. | Transposition-Bracket for Insulators |
903,692 | 1908, Nov. 10 | Finckel, Goerge M. | Feeder-Wire Insulator |
904,370 | 1908, Nov. 17 | Steinberger, Louis | Disk Strain-Insulator |
905,940 | 1908, Dec. 8 | Semenza, Guido | High-Tension Insulator |
906,008 | 1908, Dec. 8 | Ette, Charles G. | Insulator-Pin |
906,296 | 1908, Dec. 8 | Rosenberg, Charles (Rosenberg, Charles & Bailey, Vernon T.) | Insulator |
906,296 | 1908, Dec. 8 | Bailey, Vernon T. (Rosenberg, Charles & Bailey, Vernon T.) | Insulator |
907,251 | 1908, Dec. 22 | Lawrence, Harry Wallace | Electrical-Wiring Knob |
907,788 | 1908, Dec. 29 | Hall, Alphonso R. | Insulator-Clip |
907,834 | 1908, Dec. 29 | Marshall, George B. | Insulator |
908,089 | 1908, Dec. 29 | Gibson, James C. | Insulator |
908,136 | 1908, Dec. 29 | Randolph, Leonard M. | Third-Rail Insulator |
908,180 | 1908, Dec. 29 | Wilgus, William John (Wilgus, William John & Sprague, Frank Julian) | Third Rail |
908,180 | 1908, Dec. 29 | Sprague, Frank Julian (Wilgus, William John & Sprague, Frank Julian) | Third Rail |
909,595 | 1909, Jan. 12 | Hemingray, Ralph G. (Hemingray, Ralph G. & Hawk, Charles) | Screw-Press to Form Insulators |
909,595 | 1909, Jan. 12 | Hawk, Charles (Hemingray, Ralph G. & Hawk, Charles) | Screw-Press to Form Insulators |
909,935 | 1909, Jan. 19 | Rea, John H. B. | Protected Insulator |
910,799 | 1909, Jan. 26 | Edmiston, Samuel J. | Insulator Pin |
910,975 | 1909, Jan. 26 | Vickers, Antrim L. | Cleat for Electric Wires |
911,429 | 1909, Feb. 2 | McLennan, Roderick | Cleat for Electric Wiring |
911,864 | 1909, Feb. 9 | Ball, Esar-Haddon | Porcelain Cleat |
913,212 | 1909, Feb. 23 | Johnson, Chauncey C. | Insulator-Mold |
915,330 | 1909, March 16 | Blackburn, Jasper | Insulator and Wire-Clamp |
915,406 | 1909, March 16 | Bartley, Samuel (Bartley, Samuel & Bartley, William O.) | Insulator |
915,406 | 1909, March 16 | Bartley, William O. (Bartley, Samuel & Bartley, William O.) | Insulator |
12,934 Reissue | 1909, April 6 | Locke, Fred M. | Die for Forming Insulators |
917,031 | 1909, April 6 | Eveleth, Charles E. | Insulator for High-Tension Transmission-Lines |
917,207 | 1909, April 6 | Weber, August Jr. | Insulator |
917,785 | 1909, April 13 | Mershon, Ralph D. | Insulating-Suppport for High-Tension Conductors |
918,127 | 1909, April 13 | Clark, Walter G. | Insulator |
918,339 | 1909, April 13 | Locke, Fred M. | System of Insulation for High-Voltage Electric Conductors |
918,905 | 1909, April 20 | Pond, Benjamin A. | Insulator |
919,386 | 1909, April 27 | Schaub, Ferdinand | Insulator |
922,477 | 1909, May 25 | Henry, Robert | Electric-Line Insulator |
925,561 | 1909, June 22 | Buck, Harold W. (Buck, Harold W. & Hewlett, Edward M.) | Suspension of High-Tension Lines |
925,561 | 1909, June 22 | Hewlett, Edward M. (Buck, Harold W. & Hewlett, Edward M.) | Suspension of High-Tension Lines |
927,321 | 1909, July 6, | Bond, John Thomas | Insulator |
927,701 | 1909, July 13 | Woodmansee, Fay | Insulator-Support |
929,878 | 1909, Aug. 3 | Ranson, Joseph W. | Insulator |
930,750 | 1909, Aug. 10 | Graham, Charles, McLaghlan | Insulator |
930,751 | 1909, Aug. 10 | Graham, Charles, McLaghlan | Reinforced Wooden Support for Insulator |
931,507 | 1909, Aug. 17 | Siler, Aaron V. | Insulator for Electric Wires |
934,352 | 1909, Sept. 14 | Pratt, John Sedgwick | Line-Wire Connector |
934,463 | 1909, Sept. 21 | Ritter, William F. | Cleat for Electric Wires |
934,930 | 1909, Sept. 21 | McCann, Thomas Tucker | Insulator-Pressing Machine |
937,137 | 1909, Oct. 19 | Zurn, Charles M. | Machine for Producing Glass Insulators |
937,140 | 1909, Oct. 19 | Bartlett, Harry (Bartlett, Harry & MacCallum, Alexander P.) | Non-Detachable Insulator |
937,515 | 1909, Oct. 19 | Dorff, Conrad J. | Insulator-Pin |
937,736 | 1909, Oct. 19 | Dumbolton, Perry S. (Dumbolton, Perry S. & Franz, Frank) | Insulator |
937,736 | 1909, Oct. 19 | Franz, Frank (Dumbolton, Perry S. & Franz, Frank) | Insulator |
944,259 | 1909, Dec. 28 | Dennler, August G. | Insulator |
946,623 | 1910, Jan. 18 | Varney, Theodore | Insulator for Electric Lines |
947,094 | 1910, Jan. 18 | Burton, Edward | Insulator |
947,185 | 1910, Jan. 18 | McBean, George B. | Insulating-Support |
947,274 | 1910, Jan. 25 | Austin, Arthur O. | Suspension Device for Insulators |
947,516 | 1910, Jan. 25 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator |
948,321 | 1910, Feb. 8 | Grace, Sergius P. | Knob-Insulator |
949,604 | 1910, Feb. 15 | Steinberger, Louis | System of Insulation |
951,505 | 1910, March 8 | Mather, Thomas T. | Insulating-Tube |
954,329 | 1910, April 5 | Nicholson, Lloyd C. | Insulator-Protecting Apparatus |
954,350 | 1910, April 5 | Siler, Andrew J. | Insulator |
954,596 | 1910, April 12 | Stadermann, Albert L. | Insulator |
955,065 | 1910, April 12 | Hardin, Cornelious | Insulator |
955,661 | 1910, April 19 | Moore, William Enoch | Insulator |
961,646 | 1910, June 14, 1910 | Reusch, William Louis | Insulator |
964,586 | 1910, July 19 | Tufts, John Russell Jr. | Insulator |
965,723 | 1910, July 26 | Malthaner, John Fred | Insulator |
966,583 | 1910, Aug. 9 | Nicholson, Lloyd C. | Insulator-Protecting Apparatus |
966,584 | 1910, Aug. 9 | Nicholson, Lloyd C. | Protecting Apparatus for Insulators |
966,882 | 1910, Aug. 9 | Bandfield, William Edward | Attachment of Telegraph and Similar Line Wires to Insulators |
970,078 | 1910, Sept. 13 | Meurling, John A. | Insulator |
971,322 | 1910, Sept. 27 | Speakman, Charles W. | Mine-Insulator |
971,619 | 1910, Oct. 4 | Klugh, John T. | Insulator |
971,683 | 1910, Oct. 4 | Markel, Harley R. | Insulator |
971,785 | 1910, Oct. 4 | Pierce, Alfred L. | Tree-Insulator |
972,994 | 1910, Oct. 18 | Campbell, John H. | Insulator |
973,204 | 1910, Oct. 18 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulating System for High-Potential Electrical Conductors |
973,409 | 1910, Oct. 18 | Crabbe, Edward | Insulated Hanger |
674,177 | 1910, Nov. 1 | Noeggerath, Jakob E. | Insulator for High-Tension Transmission Systems |
974,207 | 1910, Nov. 1 | Thompson, Warren Ray | Insulator-support |
974,672 | 1910, Nov. 1 | Johnston, Robert M. | Insulator |
977,262 | 1910, Nov. 29 | Bigham, Neal Jay | Insulating-Hanger |
978,941 | 1910, Dec. 20 | Schimpf, Frank | Combined Cleat and Rosette |
980,495 | 1911, Jan. 3 | Crawford, George W. | Wire-Retainer and Insulator-Guard |
981,074 | 1911, Jan 10 | Dupont, Henry H. | Split-Knob Insulator |
983,039 | 1911, Jan 31 | Field, John E. | Insulator-Protector |
986,213 | 1911, March 7 | Phelps, James C. | Insulating-Cap |
986,702 | 1911, March 14 | Friend, David H. | Insulator |
989,231 | 1911, April 11 | Chamberlain, Wilbur L. | Insulator-Support |
992,397 | 1911, May 16 | Anderson, Milton E. | Insulator |
992,570 | 1911, May 16 | Markel, Harley R. | Insulator |
992,595 | 1911, May 16 | Ridenour, Lertin W. | Insulator-Line Attaching Device |
995,838 | 1911, June 20 | Bower, Fred B. | Knob for Electric Wiring |
996,312 | 1911, June 27 | Childress, Thornton D. | Insulator |
996,782 | 1911, July 4 | Moore, William S. | Insulator |
998,359 | 1911, July 18 | Locke, Fred M. | High-Voltage Insulator |
999,683 | 1911, Aug. 1 | Tinsley, Addison B. | Insulator |
1,006,268 | 1911, Oct. 17 | Peirce, Charles L., Jr. | Insulator-Bracket |
1,007,138 | 1911, Oct. 31 | Peirce, Charles L., Jr. | Insulator-Bracket |
1,008,087 | 1911, Nov. 7 | Sweeney, James M. | Insulator |
1,009,810 | 1911, Nov. 28 | Watkins, Thomas H. | Insulator |
1,010,920 | 1911, Dec. 5 | Kenney, Benjamin D. | High-Tension Insulator |
1,011,164 | 1911, Dec. 12 | Cornelius, Samuel S. | Insulator |
1,012,724 | 1911, Dec. 26 | Sessions, Ebson, O. | Insulator-Support |
1,013,241 | 1912, Jan. 2 | Van Etten, Frank C. | Insulator |
1,013,250 | 1912, Jan. 2 | Wilson, Walter J. | Insulator-Pin |
1,014,934 | 1912, Jan. 16 | Baker, George | Insulator-Knot |
1,016,780 | 1912, Feb. 6 | Rutzky, Paul | Insulator |
1,020,889 | 1912, March 19 | Rourke, Alexander Morrison | Insulator |
1,021,059 | 1912, March 28 | Markley, Willis R. | Insulator |
1,022,026 | 1912, April 2 | Guthrie, Joseph A. | Insulator |
1,027,601 | 1912, May 28 | Gressett, Lawrence F. | Insulator and Support |
1,028,104 | 1912, June 4 | Fletcher, Olive L. | Strain-Insulator |
1,028,534 | 1912, June 4 | Brady, Charles C. | Insulator |
1,029,980 | 1912, June 18 | Ellis, John | Insulator |
1,030,574 | 1912, June 25 | Ette, Charles G. | Insulator-Supporting Device |
1,031,975 | 1912, July 9 | Warren, Frederic A. | Mine-Insulator |
1,032,153 | 1912, July 9 | Nemes, Mike | Insulator |
1,032,545 | 1912, July 16 | Hilty, Robert D. | Insulator |
1,035,415 | 1912, Aug. 13 | Brown, Robert L. (Brown, Robert L. & Brown, Gus) | Insulator |
1,035,415 | 1912, Aug. 13 | Brown, Gus (Brown, Robert L. & Brown, Gus) | Insulator |
1,038,418 | 1912, Sept. 10 | Nelson, William H. S. | Insulator |
1,039,799 | 1912, Oct. 1 | Priestly, Charles Marie Edouard | Suspension Chain for High-Pressure Electric Transmission-Lines |
1,040,971 | 1912, Oct. 8 | Wirt, Charles | Insulating-Joint |
1,041,937 | 1912, Oct. 22 | Wyche, Daniel Webster | Insulator-Bracket |
1,042,372 | 1912, Oct. 22 | Harris, John R. | Split Insulator |
1,042,677 | 1912, Oct. 29 | Hilty, Robert D. | Insulating-Cleat |
1,042,902 | 1912, Oct. 29 | Foutz, Jeremiah N. | Insulator |
1,043,916 | 1912, Nov. 12 | Farwell, Frank M. | Insulator |
1,045,353 | 1912, Nov. 26 | Zachhuber, Franz | Insulator for Automatically Securing Conducting-Wires |
1,045,536 | 1912, Nov. 26 | Ette, Charles G. | Insulator-Pin |
1,047,059 | 1912, Dec. 10 | Hoybook, Henry L. | Insulator-Support for Line-Wires |
1,048,390 | 1912, Dec. 24 | Brown, Fred | Insulator |
1,048,587 | 1912, Dec. 31 | Riefer, Anthony J. (Riefer, Anthony J. & Mays, David P.) | Wire-Holder for Insulator |
1,048,587 | 1912, Dec. 31 | Riefer, Anthony J. (Riefer, Anthony J. & Mays, David P.) | Wire-Holder for Insulator |
1,048,736 | 1912, Dec. 31 | Richards, Benjamin | Insulating-Cleat |
1,048,850 | 1912, Dec. 31 | Moore, John W. | Insulator |
1,049,405 | 1913, Jan 7 | Schaur, Ferdinand | Insulator |
1,055,322 | 1913, March 11 | DeLong, Harry A. | Insulator |
1,056,392 | 1913, March 18 | Barr, Carl A. (Barr, Carl A. & Koren, Jerome H.) | Insulator |
1,056,392 | 1913, March 18 | Koren, Jerome H. (Barr, Carl A. & Koren, Jerome H.) | Insulator |
1,056,711 | 1913, March 18 | Schaub, Ferdinand | Cross-Over Insulator for Electrical Conductors |
1,059,629 | 1913, April 22 | Platt, Thomas M. | Insulator |
1,060,886 | 1913, May 6 | Bicknell, John E. | Insulator |
1,061,620 | 1913, May 13 | Markel, Harley R. | Insulator |
1,065,737 | 1913, June 24 | Slonecker, Abiram J. | Insulator and Support |
1,065,983 | 1913, July 15 | Stockwell, Millard E. | Insulator |
1,067,246 | 1913, July 15 | Hubbard, John H. | Wire-Clamp for Insulators |
1,069,782 | 1913, Aug. 12 | Hilliard, John D. | Electric Insulator |
1,070,151 | 1913, Aug. 12 | Martin, William H. | Insulator |
1,071,419 | 1913, Aug. 26 | Hetherington, Bert | Insulator |
1,072,999 | 1913, Sept. 9 | Simcoe, George | Tubular Insulator |
1,079,239 | 1913, Nov. 18 | Harris, John R. | Insulator |
1,080,257 | 1913, Dec. 2 | Bruchsaler, Karl | Insulator |
1,088,278 | 1914, Feb. 24 | Holmes, Mingot K. | Rain-Guard for Insulator |
1,090,686 | 1914, March 17 | Cook, William A. | Insulator-Clamp |
1,091,678 | 1914, March 31 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulating Composition |
1,091,679 | 1914, March 31 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
1,093,479 | 1914, April 14 | Sandford, Joseph Addison, Jr. | Insulator |
1,093,480 | 1914, April 14 | Sandford, Joseph Addison, Jr. | Insulator |
1,099,374 | 1914, June 9 | Hunter, Ira | Insulator |
Reissue 13,748 | 1914, June 16 | Ellis, John | Insulator |
1,105,521 | 1914, July 28 | Kephart, John A. | Insulator Attachment |
1,106,797 | 1914, Aug. 11 | Fay, John L. (Fay, John L. & Way, Sylvester B.) | Electric Insulator |
1,106,797 | 1914, Aug. 11 | Way, Sylvester B. (Fay, John L. & Sylvester B.) | Electric Insulator |
1,107,111 | 1914, Aug. 11 | Purkey, Benjamin S. | Insulator |
1,109,058 | 1914, Sept. 1 | Fritz, Orville J. | Insulator |
1,110,934 | 1914, Sept. 15 | Hewlett, Edward M. | Insulator |
1,116,631 | 1914, Nov. 10 | Schisler, Frank J. | Insulator |
1,119,049 | 1914, Dec. 1 | Smith, Amos L. | Insulator-Clamp |
1,120,951 | 1914, Dec. 15 | Locke, Fred M. | Manufacture of Insulators for High-Potential Electric Conductors |
1,125,742 | 1915, Jan. 19 | Sessions, Ebson, O. | Cable-Supporting Insulator |
1,127,042 | 1915, Feb. 2 | Locke, Fred M. | Manufacture of High-Potential Porcelain and Glass Insulators |
1,127,044 | 1915, Feb. 2 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
1,127,776 | 1915, Feb. 9 | Kettron, Charles W. | Insulator |
1,128,424 | 1915, Feb. 16 | Duncan, John D. E. | Insulator |
1,139,748 | 1915, May 18 | Beatty, Thomas W. | Insulator |
1,140,050 | 1915, May 18 | Manwaring, Robert A. (Manwaring, Robert A. & Hessel, James T.) | Insulator |
1,140,050 | 1915, May 18 | Hessel, James T. (Manwaring, Robert A. & Hessel James T.) | Insulator |
1,143,983 | 1915, June 22 | Miller, Charles E. | Insulator-Support |
1,144,153 | 1915, June 22 | Nichols, William H. | Insulator |
1,144,672 | 1915, June 29 | Wheale, George | Fused Test Clamp-Insulator |
1,146,201 | 1915, July 13 | Nunn, Sylvester | Electric-Wire Insulator |
1,146,298 | 1915, July 13 | Ambruster, Cornelius | Insulating-Support for Storage Batteries |
1,147,498 | 1915, July 20 | Freeman, Edgar H. | Divided Insulator |
1,147,757 | 1915, July 27 | Seyler, Carl P. | Insulator-Supporting Structure |
1,449,017 | 1915, Aug. 3 | Balliet, Ray | Insulator |
1,149,282 | 1915, Aug. 10 | Peirce, Charles L., Jr. | Insulator-Supporting Device |
1,150,697 | 1915, Aug. 17 | Neely, Zen Wollcott (Neely, Ken Wollcott & Lewis, George A.) | Insulator |
1,150,697 | 1915, Aug. 17 | Lewis, George A. (Neely, Ken Wolcott & Lewis, George A.) | Insulator |
1,151,179 | 1915, Aug. 24 | Harris, Edwin D. | Insulator |
1,156,163 | 1915, Oct. 12 | Locke, Fred M. | Manufacture of Insulators for High-Potential Electric Conductors |
1,157,036 | 1915, Oct. 19 | Peirce, Charles L., Jr. | Insulator-Supporting Fixture |
1,157,037 | 1915, Oct. 19 | Peirce, Charles L., Jr. | Insulator-Supporting Structure |
1,157,612 | 1915, Oct. 19 | Bennett, Cornelius Van Dyke | Die For Insulators |
1,158,105 | 1915, Oct. 26 | Callendar, Edwin F. | Insulating-Tube |
1,159,409 | 1915, Nov. 9 | Muller, Auguste Robert | Electric Insulator |
1,159,798 | 1915, Nov. 9 | Reynders, Arthur B. | Insulating Tube |
1,161,080 | 1915, Nov. 23 | Spicer, Frank M. | Insulator |
1,163,114 | 1915, Dec. 7 | Stahl, Loren | Insulator |
1,167,208 | 1916, Jan. 4 | Oppelt, William | Insulator |
1,168,796 | 1916, Jan. 18 | French, Clarkson S. | Wire Holder and Insulator |
1,169,246 | 1916, Jan. 25 | Folstad, Almer J. | Insulator |
1,171,267 | 1916, Feb. 8 | Smith, George R. | Insulator for Electrically-Charged Wires |
1,172,963 | 1916, Feb. 22 | Engelhardt, August J. | Insulator |
1,174,002 | 1916, Feb. 29 | Ettinger, Victor P. | Insulator |
1,174,287 | 1916, March 7 | Rosenfeld, Mortimer C. | Insulator-Support |
1,175,849 | 1916, March 14 | Warren, Frederic A. (Deceased) | Insulator-Base |
1,176,618 | 1916, March 21 | Swearingen, Walter e. | Insulator |
1,176,629 | 1916, March 21 | Wallace, William H. | Tree-Insulator and Wire-Supporter |
1,176,801 | 1916, March 28 | Williams, William H. | Insulator |
1,177,315 | 1916, March 28 | Gee, Warn G. | Insulator |
1,177,996 | 1916, April 4 | Curry, William J. (Curry, William J. & Andrews, William A.) | Insulator |
1,177,996 | 1916, April 4 | Andrews, William A. (Curry, William J. & Andrews, william A.) | Insulator |
1,178,539 | 1916, Aril 11 | Schaub, Ferdinand | Insulator |
1,185,700 | 1916, June 6 | Moss, Benton C. | Insulator for Trolley-Wires |
1,186,862 | 1916, June 13 | Swartz, Otto P. | Insulator |
1,188,599 | 1916, June 27 | Youmans, Salem L. (Youmans, Salem L. & McLaughlin, James A.) | Self-Tying Insulator |
1,188,599 | 1916, June 27 | McLaughlin, James A. (Youmans, Salem L. & McLauglin, James A.) | Self-Tying Insulator |
1,190,286 | 1916, July 11 | Harlan, Earle | Insulator |
1,192,474 | 1916, July 25 | Taylor, William C. | Glass |
1,192,690 | 1916, July 25 | Schaake, William | Insulator-Supporting Structure |
1,193,787 | 1916, Aug. 8 | Holmes, Mingot K. | Glass-Working Machine |
1,194,747 | 1916, Aug. 15 | Kells, Herbert R. | Insulator |
1,194,957 | 1916, Aug. 15 | Cochrane, Harry Hamilton | Insulator |
1,198,732 | 1916, Sept. 19 | Locke, Louis Peer | Plunger for Forming Insulators |
1,200,294 | 1916, Oct. 3 | Ayre, William George (Ayre, William George & Shaw, Frederick Lennard) | Insulator |
1,200,294 | 1916, Oct. 3 | Shaw, Frederick Lennard (Ayre, William George & Shaw, Frederick Lennard) | Insulator |
1,201,325 | 1916, Oct. 17 | Markel, Harley R. | Insulator |
1,205,069 | 1916, Nov. 14 | Williams, Roger A. | Insulator |
1,205,971 | 1916, Nov. 28 | Buschetti, Claudio | Electric Insulator |
1,206,160 | 1916, Nov. 28 | Steinberger, Louis | High-Potential Insulator |
1,206,846 | 1916, Dec. 5 | Hopkins, Roy S. | Insulator |
1,206,882 | 1916, Dec. 5 | Morene, Carl T. | Insulatiing-Tube |
1,208,874 | 1916, Dec. 19 | Wilson, William E. | Insulator |
1,212,547 | 1917, Jan 16 | Parent, Rufus A. | Automatic Insulator |
1,213,002 | 1917, Jan 16 | Pierce, Frank C. | Insulator |
Reissue 14,256 | 1917, Feb. 6 | Williams, William H. | Insulator |
1,215,245 | 1917, Feb. 6 | Boyter, Robert L. | Tie-wire for Insulator |
1,216,000 | 1917, Feb. 13 | Scully, Thomas | Electric Insulator |
1,217,032.00 | 1917, Feb. 20 | Lyon, Cody | Insulator for Electric Wires |
1,217,315 | 1917, Feb. 27 | Kendig, Julian H. | Insulator |
1,218,181 | 1917, March 6 | Homer, John W. | Insulator-Knob |
1,225,147 | 1917, May8 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
1,226,088 | 1917, May 15 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator & Composition Material for Insulators & Other Purposes |
1,229,272 | 1917, June 12 | Irwin, John J. | Insulator |
1,232,278 | 1917, July 3 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator |
1,232,354 | 1917, July 3 | Mair, John E. | Insulator |
1,233,575 | 1917, July 17 | Hudson, Christopher | Insulator |
1,233,486 | 1917, July 17 | Locke, Fred M. | Electrical-Insulator |
1,234,313 | 1917, July 24 | Effrig, anthony F. | Insulator |
1,240,330 | 1917, Sept. 18 | Fort, Louis | Insulator and Support |
1,241,929 | 1917, Oct. 2 | Dade, William A. (Dade, William A. & Morgan, Richard E) | Insulator |
1,241,929 | 1917, Oct. 2 | Morgan, Richard E. (Dade, William A. & Morgan, Richard E.) | Insulator |
1,247,531 | 1917, Nov. 20 | Head, Vernon | Support for Line-Wires |
1,249,820 | 1917, Dec. 11 | Pharo, Harry A. (Pharo, Harry A. & Schaake, William) | Insulator |
1,249,820 | 1917, Dec. 11 | Schaake, William (Pharo, Harry A. & Schaake, William) | Insulator |
1,251,013 | 1917, Dec. 25 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator-Joint |
1,251,416 | 1917, Dec. 25 | Purkey, Benjamin S. | Insulator |
1,257,983 | 1918, March 5 | DeVaughn, Clyde T. | Insulator |
1,258,211 | 1918, March 5 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator-Support |
1,258,802 | 1918, March 12 | Morgan, Andrew J. | Insulator-Support |
1,260,160 | 1918, March 19 | Disbennet, Charles | Insulator |
1,263,746 | 1918, April 23 | Creamer, William H. | Insulator |
1,266,435 | 1918, May 14 | English, Roy Wilfred | Telephone-Insulator |
1,268,315 | 1918, June 4 | Becker, Raymond A. (Becker, Raymond A. & Maddex, Thomas E.) | Insulator-Thimble |
1,268,315 | 1918, June 4 | Maddex, Thomas E. (Becker, Raymond A. & Maddex, Thomas E.) | Insulator-Thimble |
1,268,972 | 1918, June 11 | Hendee, Lem E. | Insulator-Support |
1,271,596 | 1918, July 9 | Mayer, Walter S. | Insulator-Support |
1,273,313 | 1918, July 23 | Beatty, Thomas W. | Insulator |
1,282,876 | 1918, Oct. 29 | Kyle, William D. | Line-Conductor Support |
1,284,975 | 1918, Nov. 19 | Austin, Arthur O. | Sanded Insulator and Method of Making the Same |
1,290,540 | 1919, Jan. 7 | Glocker, Gustave | Knob-Insulator |
1,290,673 | 1919, Jan. 7 | Sonneborn, Sol S. | Sectional-Pin Insulator |
1,291,139 | 1919, Jan. 14 | Reese, Rudolph R. | Insulator |
1,291,713 | 1919, Jan. 21 | Austin, Arthur O. | Separable-Part Insulator |
1,292,451 | 1919, Jan. 28 | Fort, Louis | Line-Wire Insulator |
1,295,298 | 1919, Feb. 25 | Gage, Henry Phelps | Glass |
1,302,158 | 1919, April 29 | Harris, John R. | Insulator |
1,302,796 | 1919, May 6 | Heard, Thomas J. | Insulator |
1,304,623 | 1919, May 27 | Sullivan, Eugene C. (Sullivan, Eugene C. & Taylor, William C.) | Glass |
1,304,623 | 1919, May 27 | Taylor, William C. (Sullivan, Eugene C. & Taylor, William C.) | Glass |
1,305,168 | 1919, May 27 | Roberts, Omer L. | Insulator |
1,311,067 | 1919, July 22 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator |
1,311,483 | 1919, July 29 | Amos, Frank | Insulator |
1,315,633 | 1919, Sept. 9 | McFeaters, George H. | Insulator-Support |
1,329,656 | 1920, Feb. 3 | Fargo, Arthur H. | Insulator |
1,329,770 | 1920, Feb. 3 | Johnston, Robert M. | Insulator |
1,335,634 | 1920, March 30 | Amos, Frank M. | Insulator |
1,335,801 | 1920, April 6 | Steinberger, Louis | Insulator |
Reissue 14,888 | 1920, June 22 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator |
1,346,128 | 1920, July 13 | Krebs, Frederick Henry | Device for Attachment of Electric Conductors to Insulators |
1,354,396 | 1920, Sept. 28 | Hoenig, Harry Eduard | Fastening Device |
1,360,896 | 1920, Nov. 30 | Creighton, Elmer E. F. | Cemented Insulator |
1,361,948 | 1920, Dec. 14 | Widmyer, James L. | Insulator |
1,371,855 | 1921, March 15 | Buller, Henry W. | Insulator |
1,374,998 | 1921, April 19 | Fortescue, Charles Le G. (Fortescue, Charles Le G. & Gilchrest, George L.) | Insulator |
1,374,998 | 1921, April 19 | Gilchrest, George L. (Fortescue, Charles Le G. & Gilchrest, George L.) | Insulator |
1,376,307 | 1921, April 26 | Amos, Frank M. | Insulator |
1,381,594 | 1921, June 14 | Sauereisen, Christian F. | Strain-Insulator Sign |
1,382,483 | 1921, June 21 | Decker, John G. | Electric Line-Wire Insulator |
1,390,118 | 1921, Sept. 6 | Fridrichsen, Peter Christian Carl | Insulator |
1,407,550 | 1922, Feb. 21 | Lapp, John S. | Method and Machine for Forming Impressions in Plastic Articles |
1,409,091 | 1922, March 7, | Goddard, Walter T. | Cemented Insulator |
1,412,759 | 1922, April 11 | Stevens, Frank J. | Cementless Strain-Insulator |
1,413,023 | 1922, April 18 | Gouverneur, Minor F. H. | Method and Means for Forming Passages in Plastic Material |
1,426,421 | 1922, Aug. 22 | Sonneborn, Sol S. | Condenser Cemented Sectional Insulator |
1,427,953 | 1922, Sept. 5 | Harrison, Arthur W. | Attaching Device |
1,429,079 | 1922, Sept. 12 | Kettron, Charles W. | Split Insulator |
1,429,369 | 1922, Sept. 19 | Parker, William Morrill | Attaching Device |
1,431,137 | 1922, Oct. 3 | Austin, Arthur O. | Joint for Articles of Ceramic & Similar Materials & Method of Producint Same |
1,431,166 | 1922, Oct. 22 | Locke, Fred M. | Glass |
1,446,067 | 1923, Feb. 20 | Reagan, Frank H. | Method of Connecting Insulator Units |
1,449,793 | 1923, March | Taylor, William Chittenden | Glass and Process of Making Same |
1,456,960 | 1923, May 29 | Austin, Arthur O. | Joint for Articles of Ceramic & Similar Materials & Method of Producint Same |
1,458,754 | 1923, June 12 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator |
1,470,322 | 1923, Oct. 9 | Frederick, Harry A. | Wireless Tie Insulator |
1,474,736 | 1923, Nov. 20 | Schaub, Ferdinand | Insulator |
1,475,722 | 1923, Nov. 27 | Romandy, Joseph | Insulator for Telephone and High-Tension Conductors |
1,477,800 | 1923, Dec. 18 | Austin, Arthur O. | Connecting Joint |
1,478,912 | 1923, Dec. 25 | Plimpton, Bentley A. | Insulator |
1,484,051 | 1924, Feb. 19 | Austin, Arthur O. | Insulator |
1,489,689 | 1924, April 8 | Austin, Arthur O. | Insulator |
1,489,690 | 1924, April 8 | Austin, Arthur O. | Insulator and Method of Assembling the Same |
1,489,809 | 1924, April 8 | Austin, Arthur O. | Insulator |
1,490,080 | 1924, April 15 | Austin, Arthur O. | Insulator |
1,500,814 | 1924, July 8 | Hewlett, Edward M. | Link Insulator |
1,509,074 | 1924, Sept. 16 | Wilson, James Leslie | Insulator |
1,509,645 | 1924, Sept. 23 | Foss, Marvin J. | Insulator |
1,510,521 | 1924, Oct. 7 | Locke, Fred M. | Glass |
1,516,884 | 1924, Nov. 25 | Frederick, Harry A. | Wireless Tie Insulator |
1,521,433 | 1924, Dec. 30 | Charlton, Robert W. | Indicating Insulator |
1,527,318 | 1925, Feb. 24 | Lewis, Edwin | Insulator |
1,529,259 | 1925, March 10 | Locke, Fred M. (Locke, Fred M. & Locke, Fred J.) | Glass |
1,529,259 | 1925, March 10 | Locke, Fred J. (Locke, Fred M. & Locke, Fred J.) | Glass |
1,530,298 | 1925, March 17 | Chamberless, Young J. (Chamberless, Young J. & Lee, Ammie) | Knob |
1,530,298 | 1925, March 17 | Lee, Ammie (Chamberless, Young J. & Lee, Ammie) | Knob |
1,536,749 | 1925, May 5 | Austin, Arthur O. | Insulator |
1,543,779 | 1925, June 30 | Littleton, Jesse T. Jr. (Littleton, Jesse T. Jr. & Fulcher, Gordon S.) | Manufacture of Insulators |
1,543,779 | 1925, June 30 | Fulcher, Gordon S. (Littleton, Jesse T. Jr. & Fulcher, Gordon S.) | Manufacture of Insulators |
1,558,498 | 1925, Oct. 27 | Peck, John M. (Peck, John M. & Bennett, Cornelius Van Dyke & Ryan, James W.) | Method of Making Insulators |
1,558,498 | 1925, Oct. 27 | Bennett, Cornelius Van Dyke, (Peck, John M. &Bennett, Cornelius Van Dyke & Ryan, James W.) | Method of Making Insulators |
1,558,498 | 1925, Oct. 27 | Ryan, James W. (Peck, John M. & Bennett, Cornelius Van Dyke & Ryan, James W.) | Method of Making Insulators |
1,572,730 | 1926, Feb. 9 | Locke, Fred M. (Locke, Fred M. & Locke, Fred J.) | Batch for Making Ceramic Material & to a Ceramic Material Made Thereof |
1,572,730 | 1926, Feb. 9 | Locke, Fred J. (Locke, Fred M. & Locke, Fred J.) | Batch for Making Ceramic Material & to a Ceramic Material Made Thereof |
1,592,042 | 1926, July 13 | Newman, Maurice H. (Newman, Maurice H. & Gilardin, William A.) | Insulator |
1,592,042 | 1926, July 13 | Gilardin, William A. (Newman, Maurice H. & Gilardin, William A.) | Insulator |
1,594,207 | 1926, July 27 | Kyle, William D. | Insulator |
1,595,653 | 1926, Aug. 10 | Gammon, Thomas E. (Gammon, Thomas E. & Averill, Henry D.) | Tree Insulator |
1,595,653 | 1926, Aug. 10 | Averill, Henry D. (Gammon, Thomas E. & Averill, Henry D.) | Tree Insulator |
1,596,931 | 1926, Aug. 24 | Joyce, Bryan P. | Insulator |
1,602,918 | 1926, Oct. 12 | Martinez, Woodward J. | Insulator |
1,608,029 | 1926, Nov. 22 | Locke, Fred M. | Insulator |
1,610,085 | 1926, Dec. 7 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator |
1,620,804 | 1927, March 15 | Cutter, Scott C. | Insulator |
1,625,645 | 1927, April 19 | Fort, Louis | Insulator |
1,626,042 | 1927, April 26 | Locke, Fred M. | Glass |
1,640,815 | 1927, Aug. 30 | Brookman, Horace D. | Insulator |
1,642,658 | 1927, Sept. 13 | Holmes, Mingot K. | Glassworking Machine |
1,651,201 | 1927, Nov. 29 | Gouverneur, Minor F. H. | Insulator |
1,651,704 | 1927, Dec. 6 | Hendee, Lem E. | Line Insulator |
1,659,731 | 1928, Feb. 21 | Green, Estill I. | Insulator |
1,663,421 | 1928, March 20 | Stubbing, Edwin L. | Line Breaker |
1,664,172 | 1928, March 27 | Holler, John R. | Insulator |
1,668,581 | 1928, May 8 | Brown, Donald McIntyre | Electrical Insulating Knob |
1,672,059 | 1928, June 5 | Cook, William S. | Insulator |
1,675,589 | 1928, July 3 | Babineau, Oliver David | Insulator |
1,677,346 | 1928, July 17 | Jackson, Ray P. | Insulator |
1,678,663 | 1928, July 31 | Wilson, Leon T. | Insulator |
1,684,312 | 1928, Sept. 11 | Fischer, John J. (Fischer, John J. & Payne, Warren R.) | Electrical Insulator |
1,684,312 | 1928, Sept. 11 | Payne, Warren R. (Fischer, John J. & Payne, Warren R.) | Electrical Insulator |
1,687,495 | 1928, Oct. 16 | Gordon, Chester S. (Gordon, Chester S. & Lowe, James T.) | Insulator |
1,687,495 | 1928, Oct. 16 | Lowe, James T. (Gordon, Chester S. & Lowe, James T.) | Insulator |
1,687,535 | 1928, Oct. 16 | Affel, Herman A. (Affel, Herman A. & Green, Estill I.) | Reduction of Losses in Insulators, Pins, and Cross Arms |
1,687,535 | 1928, Oct. 16 | Green, Estill I. (Affel, Herman A. & Green, Estill I.) | Reduction of Losses in Insulators, Pins, and Cross Arms |
1,688,411 | 1928, Oct. 23 | Cook, William S. | Electrical Insulator |
1,691,964 | 1928, Nov. 20 | Dickey, Ray S. (Dickey, Ray S. & Carnahan, Paul A.) | Insulator-Locking Device |
1,691,964 | 1928, Nov. 20 | Carnahan, Paul A. (Dickey, Ray s. & Carnahan, Paul A.) | Insulator-Locking Device |
1,694,415 | 1928, Dec. 11 | Gordon, Chester S. | Insulator |
1,695,458 | 1928, Dec. 18 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator |
1,700,166 | 1929, Jan. 29 | Johnson, Benjamin | Insulators for Bridle Wires |
1,701,561 | 1929, Feb. 12 | Gordon, Chester S. | Insulator |
1,701,562 | 1929, Feb. 12 | Gordon, Chester S. | Insulator |
1,703,853 | 1929, Feb. 26 | Gould, Rufus | Dry-Spot Insulator |
1,706,488 | 1929, March 26 | Hawley, Kent A. | Insulator |
1,706,987 | 1929, March 26 | Schaffler, Oscar | Electric-Wire Insulator |
1,707,054 | 1929, March 26 | Doelter, Otto | Insulator |
1,708,038 | 1929, April 9 | Wilson, Leon T. | Low-Loss Insulator |
1,709,477 | 1929, April 16 | Kyle, William D. | Insulator |
1,712,860 | 1929, May 14 | Weimar, Robert | Transposition Pin |
1,716,123 | 1929, June 4 | Goddard, Walter T. | Insulator |
1,716,963 | 1929, June 11 | Johnston, Robert M. | Insulator |
1,718,259 | 1929,June 25 | Scott, Arthur C. (Scott, Arthur C. & Rupe, William G.) | Insulator |
1,718,259 | 1929,June 25 | Rupe, William G. (Scott, Arthur C. & Rupe, William G.) | Insulator |
1,720,181 | 1929, July 9 | Kyle, William D. | Insulator |
1,721,657 | 1929, July 23 | Cutter, Scott C. | Insulator |
1,734,597 | 1929, Nov. 5 | Salisbury, Moses B. | Nonskidding Insulated Stool |
1,736,043 | 1929, Nov. 19 | Kyle, William D. | Insulator |
1,742,625 | 1930, Jan. 7 | Weckerle, Ferdinand | Process of Uniting by Sealing the Insulating Parts of High Tension Insulators |
1,742,628 | 1930, Jan. 7 | Barford, Svend | High-Tension Insulator |
1,744,674 | 1930, Jan. 21 | Porter, Edward Y. | Insulator Pin |
1,755,587 | 1930, April 22 | Broad, William | Insulating Device |
1,755,971 | 1930, April 22 | Smalley, Robert C. | Insulator |
1,760,983 | 1930, June 3 | Gordon, Chester (Gordon, Chester & Lowe, James T.) | Insulator |
1,760,983 | 1930, June 3 | Lowe, James T. (Gordon, Chester S. & Lowe, James T.) | Insulator |
1,761,046 | 1930, June 3 | Frautz, ChristianE. | Transposition Device |
1,768,943 | 1930, July 1 | Baum, Frank George | High-Voltage Insulator |
1,779,501 | 1930, Oct. 28 | Steinmayer, Alwin G. | Insulator |
1,779,811 | 1930, Oct. 28 | Harvey, William F. | Method of Manufacturing Insulators |
1,786,458 | 1930, Dec. 30 | Shipman, Emanuel F. | Insulating Nontilting Stool |
1,788,245 | 1931, Jan. 6 | Manson, Ralph H. | Insulator Support |
1,810,950 | 1931, June 23 | Earhart, Albert C. | Insulator |
1,824,766 | 1931, Sept. 29 | Barrow, George M. | Insulator |
1,829,354 | 1931, Oct. 27 | Houde, Victor Frederick | Insulator |
1,840,362 | 1932, Jan. 12 | Hunter, Russell N. (Hunter, Russell N. & Stover, Herbert F.) | Transposition Bracket for Insulators |
1,840,362 | 1932, Jan. 12 | Stover, Herbert F. (Hunter, Russell N. & Stover, Herbert F.) | Transposition Bracket for Insulators |
1,854,459 | 1932, April 19 | Dienner, John A. | Insulator |
1,858,611 | 1932, May 17 | Barford, Svend | High Tension Insulator |
1,861,316 | 1932, May 32 | Montandon, Arthur | Insulator |
1,869,397 | 1932, Aug. 2 | Stroup, Charles L. | Insulator |
1,882,486 | 1932, Oct. 11 | Cole, William H. | Insulator |
1,866,280 | 1932, Nov. 1. | Locke, Fred M. (Locke, Fred M. & Locke, Fred J.) | Ultra Violet Ray Transmitting Glass and to a Batch and Methodfor Making the Same |
1,866,280 | 1932, Nov. 1. | Locke, Fred J. (Locke, Fred M. & Locke, Fred J.) | Ultra Violet Ray Transmitting Glass and to a Batch and Methodfor Making the Same |
1,894,292 | 1933, Jan. 17 | Cramer, Walter | Strain Insulator |
1,912,456 | 1933, June 6 | Klein, Charles H. | Transposition Bracket |
1,920,978 | 1933, Aug. 8 | Fort, Louis | Insulator |
1,923,221 | 1933, Aug. 22 | Locke, Fred M. (Locke, Fred M. & Locke, Fred J.) | Process of Melting Glass |
1,923,221 | 1933, Aug. 22 | Locke, Fred J. (Locke, Fred M. & Locke, Fred J.) | Process of Melting Glass |
1,927,106 | 1933, Sept. 19 | Wilson, Leon T. | Insulator |
1,931,626 | 1933, Oct. 24 | Stevens, Frank J. | Insulator |
1,942,284 | 1934, Jan. 2 | Halton, Geoffrey Herbert | Electric Insulator |
1,954,592 | 1934, April 10 | Klingel, Edward L. | Wire Support |
1,955,609 | 1934, April 17 | Rowland, Davidge H. | Insulator |
1,956,526 | 1934, April 24 | Ellmann, John L. | Insulated Support Cables for Electric Cables |
1,967,654 | 1934, July 24 | Austin, Arthur O. | Insulator |
1,975,297 | 1934, Oct. 2 | Shaver, William W. | Insulator |
1,987,683 | 1935, Jan. 15 | Hunt, Marsden H. (Hunt, Marsden H. & Barrow, George M.) | Insulator |
1,987,683 | 1935, Jan. 15 | Barrow, George M. (Hunt, Marsden & Barrow, George M.) | Insulator |
1,988,369 | 1935, Jan. 15 | Brown, Harrold H. | Radio Interferenceproof Insulator |
1,994,281 | 1935, March 12 | Lusignan, Joseph T. Jr. | Insulator |
1,994,282 | 1935, March 12 | Lusignan, Joseph T. Jr. | Fog Type Insulator |
2,023,808 | 1935, Dec. 10 | Hawley, Kent A. | Shielded Cemented Type Insulator |
2,043,754 | 1936, June 9 | Johnson, Edgar F. | Transposition Insulator |
2,072,201 | 1937, March 2 | Dibble, Clarence H. | Insulator and Method of Making It |
2,084,866 | 1937, June 22 | Plimpton, Bentley A. | High Voltage Insulator |
2,088,433 | 1937, July 27 | Plimpton, Bentley A. | Fog and Dust Insulator |
2,089,791 | 1937, Aug. 10 | Hammel, Victor F. | Method of Making Electric Insulators |
2,099,540 | 1937, Nov. 16 | Smith, Donald H. | Insulator Shield |
2,118,795 | 1938, May 24 | Littleton, Jesse T. | Insulator |
2,133,768 | 1938, Oct. 18 | Hostetter, John C. (Hostetter, John C. & Littleton, Jesse T.) | Insulator |
2,133,768 | 1938, Oct. 18 | Littleton, Jesse T. (Hostetter, John C. & Littleton, Jesse T.) | Insulator |
2,135,344 | 1938, Nov. 1 | Johnston, Fred E. | Transposed Lead-In |
2,135,360 | 1938, Nov. 1 | Taylor, John J. | Conductor Support |
2,135,362 | 1938, Nov. 1 | Taylor, John J. | Insulator |
2,135,558 | 1938, Nov. 8 | Bott, Perry J. | Insulator Shield |
2,138,571 | 1938, Nov. 29 | Dehmel, Richard C. | Insulator |
2,154,387 | 1939, April 11 | Sleeman, Harold P. | Electric Insulator |
2,155,189 | 1939, April 18 | Heinrich, Walter A. | Electrical Wire Bracket |
2,155,848 | 1939, April 25 | Taylor, John J. | Insulator |
2,165,773 | 1939, July 11 | Wheeler, Herbert H. (Wheeler, Herbert H. & McGinnis, Orris) | Insulator for Communication Systems |
2,165,773 | 1939, July 11 | McGinnis, Orris (Wheeler, Herbert H. & McGinnis, Orris) | Insulator for Communication Systems |
2,165,773 | 1939, July 11 | Wheeler, Herbert H. (Wheeler, Herbert H. & McGinnis, Orris) | Insulator for Communication Systems |
2,174,723 | 1939, Oct. 3 | Hocher, Andrew A. | Insulator |
2,191,152 | 1940, Feb. 20 | Hammel, Victor F. | Electrical Insulator |
2,191,171 | 1940, Feb. 20 | Lee, Leffman H. (Lee, Leffman H. & Guthrie, James M.) | Insulator |
2,191,171 | 1940, Feb. 20 | Guthrie, James M. (Lee, Leffman H. & Guthrie, James M.) | Insulator |
2,194,189 | 1940, March 19 | Wheeler, Herbert H. (Wheeler, Herbert H., McGinnis, Orris & Thordarson, William) | Pole Line Insulator |
2,194,189 | 1940, March 19 | McGinnis, Orris (Wheeler, Herbert H., McGinnis, Orris & Thordarson, William) | Pole Line Insulator |
2,194,189 | 1940, March 19 | Thordarson, William (Wheeler, Herbert H., McGinnis, Orris & Thordarson, William) | Pole Line Insulator |
2,195,986 | 1940, April 2 | Goddard, DeWitt Rugg | Transmission Line Transportation |
2,198,734 | 1940, April 30 | Littleton, Jesse T. | Insulator |
2,213,425 | 1940, Sept. 3 | Young, Harry M. | Insulator Fastener |
2,215,152 | 1940, Sept. 17 | Hosfled, Glenn E. | Insulator |
2,218,497 | 1940, Oct. 15 | Smith, Donald H. (Smith, Donald H. & Wheeler, Herbert H.) | Electrical Insulator |
2,218,497 | 1940, Oct. 15 | Wheeler, Herbert H. (Smith, Donald H. & Wheeler, Herbert H.) | Electrical Insulator |
2,228,196 | 1941, Jan. 7 | Boch, Oscar A. | Insulator |
2,250,044 | 1941, July 22 | Crosky, Carl D. (Crosky, Carl D. & Rowland, Davidge H.) | Insulator |
2,250,044 | 1941, July 22 | Rowland, Davidge H. (Crosky, Carl D. & Rowland, Davidge H.) | Insulator |
2,266,340 | 1941, Feb. 29 | Sindlinger, Nevin Y. | Insulator |
2,266,400 | 1941, Dec. 16 | Reed, Frederick Foster | Insulator |
2,274,955 | 1942, March 3 | Dykstra, Laurence J. (Dykstra, Laurence J. & Meyer, Edwin M. | High Tension Electric Insulator and Method of Coating Same |
2,286,488 | 1942, June 16 | Johnson, Lewis E. | Spool Insulator |
2,304,204 | 1942, Dec. 8 | Ratzman, Borah B. | Electrical Insulator |
2,304,483 | 1942, Dec. 8 | Smith, Donald H. (Smith, Donald H. & Wheeler, Herbert H.) | Electrical Insulator |
2,304,483 | 1942, Dec. 8 | Wheeler, Herbert H. (Smith, Donald H. & Wheeler, Herbert H.) | Electrical Insulator |
2,305,688 | 1942, Dec. 22 | Goddard, DeWitt Rugg | Transposition Block |
2,307,277 | 1943, Jan. 5 | Klingel, Edward L. | Wire Support |
2,311,779 | 1943, Feb. 23 | Schilling, Lorell John | Insulating Apparatus for Electric Fences |
2,343,576 | 1944, March 7 | Pittman, Ralph R. | Support for Electric Conductors |
2,356,750 | 1944, Aug. 29 | Case, Rogers | Wire-Transposing Device |
2,361,109 | 1944, Oct. 24 | Kenneally, Martin M. | Insulating Protectors for Conducting Wires |
2,372,995 | 1945, April 3 | Witmore, Paul G. | Tap-Isolating Conductor Support |
2,381,676 | 1945, Aug. 7 | Matthews, Martin D. | Insulator |
2,406,095 | 1946, Aug. 20 | Matthews, Martin D. | Insulator |
2,455,227 | 1948, Nov. 30 | Case, Rogers | Wire Transposing Device |
2,455,228 | 1948, Nov. 30 | Case, Rogers | Transposition Bracket |
2,455,229 | 1948, Nov. 30 | Case, Rogers | Transposition Bracket |
2,517,221 | 1950, Aug. 1 | Loux, Raymond A. | Secondary and Service Rack Insulator |
2,540,608 | 1951, Feb. 6 | Bussmann, Aloysius B. | Strain Insulator |
2,623,094 | 1952, Dec. 23 | Markley, William | Resiliently Mounted Spool Type Insulator |
2,655,553 | 1953, Oct. 13 | Case, Rogers | Line Transposition Bracket With Reinforcing Gussets |
2,688,654 | 1954, Sept. 7 | Bussmann, Aloysius B. | Insulator for Fence Posts |
2,734,098 | 1956, Feb. 7 | Bonnesen, Elmer Johannes | Transposition Insulators |
2,870,244 | 1959, Jan. 20 | Jellyman, Phillip E. (Jellyman, Phillip E., Macintosh, Hamish Frasier & Wilcock, John E.) | Glass Insulator Assembly Units |
2,870,244 | 1959, Jan. 20 | Macintosh, Hamish Frasier (Jellyman Phillip E., Macintosh, Hamish Frasier & Wilcock, John E.) | Glass Insulator Assembly Units |
2,870,244 | 1959, Jan. 20 | Wilcock, John E. (Jellyman, Phillip E., Macintosh, Hamish Frasier & Wilcock, John E.) | Glass Insulator Assembly Units |
2,912,482 | 1959, Nov. 10 | Raymond G. Horrocks of Lakewood, OH; Carroll de V. Miller of Rocky River, OH; and Theordore J. Brenner of Rocky River, OH. Assigned to PLM Products, Inc. of Cleveland, OH | Aerial Spacer, Triangular shaped |
2,921,112 | 1960, Jan. 12 | Dykstra, Laurence J. (Dykstra, Laurence J. & Grills, Lee J.) | Electric Conductor Strand Separator Insulator |
2,921,112 | 1960, Jan. 12 | Grills, Lee J. (Dykstra, Laurence J. & Grills, Lee J.) | Electric Conductor Strand Separator Insulator |
3,061,667 | 1962, Oct. 30 | Markley, William F. (Markley, William F. & Slater, James L.) | Telegraph Pole Line Insulator |
3,061,667 | 1962, Oct. 30 | Slater, James L. (Markley, William F. & Slater, James L.) | Telegraph Pole Line Insulator |
3,141,063 | 1964, July 14 | Edwards, Derrick Robert | Toughened Glass Pin Type Insulator |
3,251,014 | 1966, May 10 | Stein, Laurence B., Jr. | Electrical Coupling Device |
4,047,279 | 1977, Sept. 13 | Pettit, Ernest E. | Upgrading Current Distribution Insulators |